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Showing posts from August, 2023

*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

Achievements of Muslim Scientists

 Achievements of Muslim Scientists Colleagues! There are many inventions of Muslims which are hidden from our eyes. Although most of the useful and necessary inventions of the world are owed to Muslims and Arabs and they were invented at a time when Europe and Europeans were not even mentioned anywhere in the civilized world. Some of them could not be copied by modern science, and by copying some of them, Kasahra decorated his head with the invention. The Europeans started calling Jabir bin Hayyan Geber, Ibn Rushd called Owero, Ibn Sina called Iwna, and Ibn al-Haysham called Al-Haizen, so that It is not proved that they are Muslims and Arabs. This is the reason that today our science student KhalidIbn Yazid, Zakariya, Razi, Ibn Sina, Al-Khwarizmi, Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni, Al-Farabi, Ibn Maskawiyya, Ibn Rushd, Kundi, Abu Muhammad Khohabdi, Jabir Ibn Hayyan, Musa Ibn Shakir, Al-Batani, Ibn Al-Haysham, Umar Khayal, Al-Masudi, Abu Al-Fafa. And completely ignorant of the life conditions and sc

"The upcoming Witness The present Chief"

    "The upcoming Witness, The Present Chief"   Who were the witnesses of Sajjada Nashin and Chaudhary of the English? Dr. Tarab-ul-Hassan Saheb, a teacher at Quaid-e-Azam College, Islamabad, has composed a theory and gotten a Ph.D. The title of which is... "Punjab and the Conflict of Freedom 1857" In this proposal, he shed light on the states of the Conflict of Autonomy. As per which, in this conflict, the family helped the English against the Mujahideen of the Conflict of Autonomy; the Mujahideen were captured and killed, and the English gave them enormous bequests, abundance, and titles. From Nawaza, English government presents were given to him. the number of . As per this proposal, every one of the families were the people who were faithful to the English, and as a trade-off for this devotion, they got fat from the English. This family is as yet the Jagirdars and is as yet remembered for each administration after the flight of their English experts. Griffin Pun

Information bonebone weakness

Information bonebone weakness The human body, which is among the best indications, as various creatures, is contained tissue, blood, and bone development. Strength is the financier of greatness and prosperity, one of the bones in October each year. The day is adulated with the chief justification for making God's creatures aware of the meaning of unendingly bone ailments, especially bone deficiency, so this disease can be battled in time. Present-day research shows that bone inadequacy, or osteoporosis. It is known as a calm disease, which is surprisingly challenging to realize. realize.       During the infection, bone thickness lessens, and they become feeble. feeble. It impacts one of every two women and one out of four men and fabricates the bet of breaking bones, yet you can diminish your bet by observing these tranquil signs of osteoporosis. Aftereffects that can appear in bone weakness, e.g.,. Short level Right when an individual makes osteoporosis, it achieves a lack of

Cancer treatment

 Loving greetings to the readers of Matab Rashid, the compounds of Dhamsa Boti were being discussed. In this regard, today another recipe is available.  This recipe is effective in all blood and skin diseases and has been found useful in all types of blood cancer. This recipe has many benefits.  Recipe: Fresh Glu 250 gms, Charita Nepali 250 gms, Chilka retha 250 gms, Shahtra 250 gms, Neem tree bark fresh 250 gms, Dhamsa boti fresh 250 gms.  Preparation: Mix all the ingredients and soak them in 20 kg of water. After 24 hours, cook them on fire. When half of the water remains, remove the herbs and cook the water again. Cook so that the medicine does not burnIf it becomes, make Rati Rati pills Dosage: Two to four tablets should be used according to the patient's understanding with proper dosage

Treatment of childlessness

Assalam Alaikum, companions, the remedy that is being offered today is our exceptional extraordinary and the mystery of our souls; it is something like a marvel for the people who are childless. Make a point to make those whose sperm are totally zero; this medication makes them fit for having kids in only twenty days. It has likewise been taken a stab at individuals who had gotten back to London without treatment. It's anything but a medication, yet a mystique of nature. It is a gift from us to the Blessed Prophet. On the off chance that you go or you are so tired of speed increase that you are released before entrance, simply use it for ten days. All these issues will turn into a fantasy; the disarray is beyond anything that can be described. Take two kilos of bohar root, cone, bark, organic product, leaves, and facial hair. In like manner, take every one of the pieces of pipal and kakar, pound them, and put them in ten soothsayers of water and leave them for the entire evening.

Treatment of inflamed tonsils

Aggravation of any piece of the body, tonsils, aggravation of the kidneys, gouts in the body, cancers in the uterus, fibroids, water packs in the stomach, any sort of enlarging in the body—this remedy is extremely compelling, and I have numerous It has been an attempted and tried recipe for quite a long time. Hawalshafi: Alum Briyan one section, Turmeric two sections. The most effective method to make: Put the alum in a pot and keep it on low intensity. At the point when the alum turns out to be delicate, empty it into a spotless container. Attempt to crush the turmeric. Blend one spoon of alum in with two spoons of turmeric and fill it in a case of 1000 or 500 mg. Require one container three times each day after feasts with water. Treat for a few months, relying upon the idea of the illness.

Home remedies for earache

Home solutions for ear infection   In this illness, there is extreme or less than overwhelming torment inside the ear. In the event that you have ever grumbled of desolation in the ear, you will realize how anguishing it is. This issue is more ordinary in kids, yet adults furthermore experience its evil impacts. There can be and generally is a maltreatment of against microbials that should be avoided.   Reasons   Aggregation of wax in the ear, chilly, awful teeth, watery, ringing in the ear, cold, and so forth.     Side effects   The aggression emanates from the ear to the face and brow. The patient becomes anxious.   Greek technique for treatment   Blend one and a half tolas of sesame oil, six mashas of camphor, and two mashas of opium, and put a few drops in the ear when it is warm. When vital, the torment will vanish right away.   Blend one tola of ghee and three mashas of camphor, keep it in the sun, and put a few drops of it half-warmed in the ear.   Radish water five tola, onion

Expensive electricity is the fate of Pakistani people

*7-Point Plan for Reasonable Power* Costly power is just a gift to individuals in Pakistan from their cherished elites, a country with 300 days of daylight out of 365 days of the year and uncommon sunlight-based energy potential, 800 km of waterfront wind halls, and exceptional breeze energy potential. The potential world is just 2000 km from the Indus Waterway in the northern mountains. Running up to the coast and having limitless hydel energy potential, there is consistently costly power generation from imported heater oil and making fake agreements with the proprietors of these confidential power plants, paying them in dollars. Khabi power cannot be modest; IPP's yearly 1000 billion rupees is unlawful profit. They are procuring, they are plundering, no administration has contacted them, they have a delegate in each government bureau, and I have been continually yelling in parliament as a congressperson/parliamentarian for the past 5 years, one reason for the efficiency of power

Historical event Nations are the developed ones who wake up early in the morning

 🌸✨🌸✨🌸✨🌸✨🌸✨🌸✨🌸✨🌸✨ For what reason were the tops of the relative multitude of sovereigns of Bahadur Shah Zafar decapitated and introduced before him? *Why was land not found for the grave* Indeed, even today, the offspring of his age circumvent asking. *Why?* *Peruse and tell your age too* *Annihilation doesn't come in 1 day* *Individuals who get up late in the first part of the day, read the accompanying text carefully:* *The time is around 1850, the spot is Delhi* *The time is 3:30 toward the beginning of the day, the trumpet has sounded in the common line* *Fifty-year-old Chief Robert and eighteen-year-old Lieutenant Henry both wake up for the drill* *After two hours first thing in the morning English regular citizens are likewise awakening and exercising* * The English women have gone out for horse-riding. At seven o'clock the English judges have sat down in their workplaces. * East India Organization Diplomat Sir Thomas Mitcalfe has a large portion of the work done

In front of Aafia Siddiqui cruel system

The supposed dissidents and skeptics don't become weary of saying how wonderful the arrangement of Europe is; wherever it is perfect, mankind is brimming with foulness, wrongdoings are non-existent. In any case, sir, how are they for the sake of mankind? Whoever, after 20 years, acquaints one sister with one more sister through glass walls, Indeed, even after 20 years, she can't see her youngsters or her mom in photos. What sort of humankind is it that even after 20 years, a sister couldn't embrace her blameless, mistreated sister? Through the glasses, the sister said, Look, Fawzia, they broke all my front teeth; they manhandled me so much that I couldn't, in fact, hear appropriately any longer. Programming interface... 20 years I missed my mom a great deal. How is your mother? ? She will cry a ton recollecting that. Aafia, look, I didn't come to meet you...!!! Ami will likewise come very soon; she needed to go along, yet her condition didn't permit her to make

History of Allama Inayatullah East

 Today is the birthday of founder of Khaksar movement, writer, religious scholar and prominent mathematician Allama Inayatullah East.  Today is the birthday of Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi, the founder of the Khaksar movement, writer, theologian and prominent mathematician. Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi was born on August 25, 1883 in Amritsar and obtained high distinctions in mathematics and physics from Cambridge University, England. were done In 1926, there was a conference of Mutmar-e-Islami in Egypt, Sahib Tazkira Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi was also invited. Intelligent and learned Muslim leaders from all over the world joined this great conference, you were also invited to address there. He addressed this conference in Arabic language which has been published as "Khattab-e-Misr". In this address, you gave a workable program to the Muslim leaders. You also got the honor of presiding over this conference. The scholars of Jamia Al-Azhar honored you with the title of Allama. A

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