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Showing posts from October, 2023

*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

A Puzzling Universe: Einstein's Most joyful Idea

A Puzzling Universe: Einstein's Most joyful Idea In 1907, while sitting in his office at the Patent Office in Bern, Switzerland, where he had as of late been advanced from Specialized Aide, Second rate Class to Specialized Right hand, Below average, Einstein had a thought that would He referred to it as "the most joyful idea of my life". Einstein envisioned that an individual tumbling from the top of his home would feel weightless, similarly as an individual drifting in space far away from the without gravity Earth. As indicated by him, "On the off chance that an individual falls unreservedly, he doesn't feel his own weight". This basic idea drove Einstein to form the overall hypothesis of relativity. This hypothesis changed how we might interpret existence. It plays had a focal impact in figuring out the universe, its starting points and development, and potentially its end. How could this be the case? Similarly as Einstein's disclosure that light goes

The father of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came to Gaza.

The dad of the Courier of Allah (ﷺ) came to Gaza. Gaza signifies "unconqu erable". In 1355, Ibn Battuta left the city of Salehiya in Egypt and set out toward Gaza. Gaza Gaza was worked by the Canaanites a long time back. Around then they named him "Hazati". As per the report of "Palestine Public Data Community", the pharaohs named this region "Ghazatu". Then, during the hour of Assyrians and Greeks, its name was changed to "Izati". After that the Jews began referring to this city as "Faza". The Jews transformed it to "Uzza" and when the Bedouins came, its name changed to "Gaza". What is going on with Gaza? The favored significance in this setting is 'powerful'. Gaza city has the significance of secure in its name. Here the dad of Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive) visited. It is additionally where the extraordinary granddad of the Sacred Prophet (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) Hashim container Ab

Pakistan information in 254 countries

 Are there 254 coun tries in the world?  And what is the number of Pakistan?  Therefore, learning country names around the world is very important for students, not only for the geopolitical aspects but also to expand the scope of their area of ​​interest. So far, there are about 254 countries in the world but according to the members of the United Nations, there are currently 197 countries.  Pakistan (official name: Islamic Republic of Pakistan) is an independent Islamic country located in the defensively important part of South Asia, Northwest Central Asia and West Asia. It is the fifth most populous country in the world, with a population of approximately 242 million, and has the second largest Muslim population in the world. With 881,913 square kilometers (340,509 sq mi), it is the thirty-third largest country in the world. It has a 1,046 km (650 mi) coastline to the south that meets the Arabian Sea. Pakistan is bordered by India to the east, China to the northeast, and Afghanistan

Five and a half thousand years ago, the nation was punished by atomic radiation

 *Was a nation that perished five and a half thousand years ago punished by nuclear radiation???* ••┈┈•••○○❁⭕❁○○•••┈┈• It is about five and a half thousand years ago. It used to be a very powerful nation. Those people were at the height of scientific progress and advancements in terms of technology. Those people used to carve the mountains in such a beautiful way and make the strongest palaces and constructions that today's science is amazed at their wisdom. Those people were so intelligent and experts in construction that they used to build heaven in competition with Allah. He was very powerful and a genius. Due to their very characteristics, they were called the superpower of that era.  Due to their advanced constructions and features, they became rebellious. They denied the existence of God. If the Prophets would explain the guidance to them, they would make fun of them and torment them, they would force them out of their villages.  That region was very green and lush. But when

The Mughal Empire on the Subcontinent from 1526 to 1857

 History bears witness that the Mughal Empire was a Muslim empire ruling the subcontinent from 1526 to 1857 , which was founded by Zahiruddin Babur in 1526 after defeating Ibrahim Lodhi,. The Mughal Empire in its heyday ruled almost the entire sub-continent, i.e. it spanned the region comprising present-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. It is clear that the official religion of the Mughal Empire was Islam, but Akbar Azam. Akbar's invented religion (Deen Ilahi) prevailed for some time during the reign ofAn attempt was made. But it had no effect on the public and it died out very soon. During the reign of all other emperors, Islam was the official religion and the Mughal emperors were very committed to Islam. Aurangzeb Alamgir was the most famous among them. The rest of the emperors are also known for following Islam. They not only introduced Islamic laws and tried hard to spread Islamic rule in every corner of the subcontinent.  After the death of a king, war broke ou

NASA's Journey to Mars concept 1:

 Journey to Ma rs Concept 1: According to the statement of NASA, the time to go to Mars is twenty-one months without stopping. That is almost two years. (Artemis nine months to go, nine to eighteen months to wait for three Earth and Mars positions to approach) NASA is concerned about whether we humans, who get tired of a twelve-hour plane ride, are psychologically fit for long journeys. That is why a few volunteers are testing humans by placing them in an environment like Mars for a year to consider the unseen possibilities.  Also, no human has been in space continuously for more than a year. That means newbies will travel longer than even the most experienced astronauts.  Imagine yourself as an astronaut and describe your idea of ​​spending two consecutive years in space. 

Human Evolution | Science and Creationism

                   Human Evolution | Science and Creationism                                                                                                                                                inquiries/misinterpretations in regards to the hypothesis of advancement and their responses Question No. 01: As indicated by the hypothesis of advancement, people have developed from monkeys and that people are relatives of monkeys. Answer: As indicated by Darwin's hypothesis of development, man is certainly not a relative of chimp, nor that man has developed from gorilla, yet the hypothesis of advancement furnishes us with a clarification of how species develop over the long haul through regular choice. (species) changes and as per the hypothesis of development, people andMonkeys are from a typical precursor. That is, all living things, including people and monkeys, share a typical parentage and have developed after some time through the course of regular choice. Question No. 02:

Causes of snoring and treatment for its prevention.

 Causes of snoring and treatment for its prevention.                                                     When we breathe in and out during sleep, we snore because of the vibration in the soft tissues (tissues) of our neck and head.  These soft tissues are found in our nasal passages, tonsils and the upper part of the mouth.  When you sleep, the airway is relaxed, then the air has to push in and out, causing the soft tissues to vibrate.  Similarly, obesity, problems in the structure of the nose, mouth and throat and lack of sleep can also lead to snoring.  But the good thing is that snoring can be prevented with a few simple things.  Try sleeping on the right or left crotch By lying on the back or on the mat, many times the tongue turns towards the throat, which stops breathing and causes snoring.  This is why lying on the right or left crotch does not affect the air flow that stops snoring.  Adequate sleep Lack of sleep also increases the risk of snoring because insufficient sleep rela

Shah Muhammad Ismail's advice to Tawafs

 The girls were pas sing through the door of Madrasah Azizia, shocking everyone with the most careless of their performances Hazrat Shah Muhammad Ismail may Allah have mercy on him Looked at them!  Hazrat asked his companions who are these?... They told that Hazrat these are prostitutes and they are going to a dance party.  Hazrat Shah Sahib said..  Well it turns out, But tell me which religion they belong to?  He said that this religion is defaming Islam.  They call themselves Muslims.  When Shah Sahab heard this, he said: Accepted that he is bad-mannered and evil-doing, but in terms of being a talker We are sisters of Muslims.  So we have to advise them, It is possible to turn away from sin...  The companions said, what effect will the advice have on them?  Rather, the one who advises them will be discredited The king said: So what happened?  I will continue to fulfill this duty no matter what!  Colleagues submitted. Hazrat!  It is not advisable for you to go to them.  You know that

*Abul Kalam says* Benefits of Endurance and Patience

 * 🌹 In the name of God the Most Merciful 🌹​​* * 🌺 Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God 💐* *Abul Kalam says* One night during dinner, my mother placed curry and burnt bread in front of my father. I kept waiting for my father's reaction that maybe he would express his anger but he ate very calmly and at the same time asked me how was my day at school today, I don't remember what I answered.  But. Meanwhile, my mother apologized for burning the bread.  My father said no problem but I enjoyed eating this bread.  That night, when I went to my father's room to say good night, I asked him about it. Did you really enjoy eating burnt bread?  He lovingly replied to me, "Son, a burnt loaf of bread does no harm, but bitter reactions and bad language hurt a person's feelings." My child, this world is full of many undesirable things and people, I am also not a perfect or perfect person and I understand that. People around us can also make mistakes. For

The theory of evolution, these yards and this field!!

 The theory of evolution, these yards and this field!!  In the science of biology, the definition of a species is that organisms of the same species can reproduce through sexual intercourse. Sometimes it happens that two similar species can produce offspring through sexual intercourse, but the offspring cannot reproduce. An example of this is a mule born from a donkey and a horse. A mule is not a breed because mules cannot reproduce themselves. But if we go to the past, the ancestors of horses and donkeys were the same, from which they were divided into two different species.  The division of species in evolution is called speciation. Feel free to ask the Google Baba in which living organisms past and present examples of this have been found. This is the main point in the theory of evolution. In this regard, the childish argument of the critics of evolution is that if in the past one animal species split from another animal, why is it not happening today? Answering whoever makes this c

Can drinking milk after feeding fish cause fruit blindness or white marks on the body?

  Can drinking milk a fter feeding fish cause fruit blindness or white marks on the body?  Scientific research and research have not found any such evidence that drinking milk after eating fish causes white marks on the body or fruit disease. This is considered as a popular medical superstition which has no relation to reality.  Inside our skin there is a special black color or pigment called melanin, which is formed in the skin cells called melinocytes. Acne is caused by various reasons, including genetic problems or the body's immune system. The frequency is reduced, which affects different parts of the body or sometimes the whole bodyWhite marks are formed on the body.  You all know that yogurt is used to cook fish. Similarly, fish is eaten with raita. Most people drink tea after eating fish. So yogurt, raita and tea all use milk. If drinking milk was the cause of this disease, then everyone would have this problem.  Just take Bangladesh. People there eat fish very fondly like b

Nature is not only beautiful, but also has a lot of generosity in it, which we also call "Nature's bounty".

 Nature is not only bea utiful, but also has a lot of generosity in it, which we also call "Nature's bounty".  The second important element in #evolution is this "Nature Bounty". Guess what, one female salmon is capable of producing 28 million eggs, and each of these eggs is capable of becoming a full-fledged salmon. In addition, a pair of mice can produce up to 2,000 babies a year, and if all of them survive, they can produce thousands, even millions, of more.  You will find some examples of this in plants too. Take the dandelion flower, just one flower is capable of producing hundreds of new plants. When thousands of acorns fall from a single oak tree, each acorn seed has the potential to grow into a whole new tree.  There are many more examples of animals and plants multiplying rapidly in nature, but if you only look at these two or four examples, you will have an idea of ​​how fast it is in this world. The population of these animals or plants can grow if th

What is blockchain innovation? What's more, how can it work?

 What is blockchain innovation? What's more, how can it work? --+++---+++---+++---+++-- Today is the period of innovation. And that's just the beginning and more individuals are joining the positions of online merchants (particularly digital currency dealers) for business exercises, so the inquiry is blockchain innovation? This has become perhaps of the most well known question in the exchanging local area. Considering this, it isn't is to be expected that blockchain innovation is another development that is as of now acquiring a ton of prominence among the overall population. So how does blockchain work? For what reason do we want it? Furthermore, could we at any point utilize it anyplace other than exchanging? In this article, you will track down replies to these inquiries. What is Blockchain? How about we initially comprehend what blockchain really is. Blockchain is a somewhat new innovation that records data in a data set that is divided among an organization of clients

The lotus plant is an aquatic plant,

  The lotus plant is an aquatic plant, which is called lotus in English. The lotus flower is considered a symbol of prosperity and peace. This plant is found all over the world, especially in the semi-arid areas of waterways. In Pakistan, this plant is found in Punjab and In Sindh, lotus is seen in permanent or temporary ponds, rivers and streamsThe root is used as a vegetable, while its fritters are popular souvenirs. Many useful nutrients such as calcium, vitamins, minerals, potassium, copper, phosphorus and vitamins C and B6 are found in the roots of lotus, which are extremely beneficial for the body. Lotus roots are essential whether for curries, salads, pakoras, soups or chutneysThere is no reduction in their benefits as they reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the body and increase the number of red blood cells. 

Crossbreeding of animals and plants

 Evolution does not lead humans astray, rather it teaches us that we need to open our closed eyes and understand the facts about things in this world.  Four characters are very important in the process of evolution, one of which is called variation. Now you can notice it around you. Take the example of dogs everywhere. I have so much variety. Look at the people around you, don't you see variety in them? You can see this in cats or any other animal. For example, you will see variety in the size of dogs, behavior, hair on their body. This variety can easily be seen in dogs, cats or humans. Yes, this variety will make us less visible when we see fish of the same species together in the sea, they will all look the same to us, but this is the truth. Variety exists in them too. This variety is everywhere within this nature. It makes this evolutionary process possible if we humans think about it.  Charles Darwin and his grandfather were very curious about this mutation. Charles Darwin rea

Identification of ancestry by DNA test

 Identification of ancestry by DNA test Have you ever wondered what percentage of your ethnicity is Indian, how much is Turkish, how much is Central Asian, how much is from the Far East? Yes, it can be found out. A DNA genetic test can be done for this.  DNA ancestry tests have gained a lot of popularity in recent years, testing different people about their ancestral roots, ethnic ancestry, and even possible ancestry with distant relatives. Provide information. In addition, they can provide information about possible diseases based on their genetic makeup. Such information can help in taking preventive measures.  Some companies, such as 23AndMe, AncestryDNA, and MyHeritage DNA, offer kits that collect DNA samples from consumers and profile them. These tests scan specific parts of a person's DNA and then compare their DNA with traits or variations associated with specific regions or populations around the world. Using complex algorithms and large reference databases, these companies

Living Conditions in the Goldilocks Zone

 Living Conditions in the Goldilocks Zone Ever since we, the only thinking and pondering intelligent beings living on earth, i.e. human beings, started looking at the universe apart from our own earth and gained awareness and information about it, then it was possible to see it around us, in the neighboring planets. Saddened, surprised and sorry that no life was foundThe large solar system, in which the family Sun, eight giant planets, five dwarf planets and their nearly 290 moons are roaming in the vastness of space, has not found any signs of life anywhere. Then, through his space knowledge, human beings also learned that our sun is not the only star in this Milky Way galaxy where planets are found, but this galaxy is estimated to contain 100 to 400 billion stars, around which not many The planets will be rotating like our solar system. Likewise, there are 2 trillion galaxies in the entire universe with far more stars than the number I just estimated above for just the Milky Way. How

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