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*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

Important information about Zakat

 * ๐ŸŒน In the name of God the Most Merciful ๐ŸŒน​​*

* ๐ŸŒบ Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God ๐Ÿ’*

๐Ÿ“– Important information about Zakat ๐Ÿ“–

For the public, traders, landlords and animal husbandry, all

๐Ÿ’ธ Some amounts and their Zakat ๐Ÿ’ธ

๐Ÿ’ธ 40 thousand for one thousand rupees

40000 ÷ 40=1000

๐Ÿ’ธ 80 thousand for two thousand rupees


๐Ÿ’ธ One lakh on two and a half thousand rupees


๐Ÿ’ธ Five thousand rupees on two lakhs


๐Ÿ’ธ Seven and a half thousand Zakat on three lakhs


๐Ÿ’ธ Ten thousand rupees on four lakhs


๐Ÿ’ธ 12.5 thousand rupees on five lakhs


๐Ÿ’ธTwenty five thousand rupees on one million


๐Ÿ’ธ Fifty thousand rupees on two lakhs


๐Ÿ’ธ Three lakhs to seventy five thousand rupees


๐Ÿ’ธRs 1 lakh on 40 lakhs


๐Ÿ’ธ Rs. 1 lakh 25 thousand on 50 lakhs


๐Ÿ’ธ Two and a half lakh rupees on one crore


Zakat is obligatory on these things

Gold and silver

Gold and silver jewellery

Cash or negotiable documents

Goods trade

✅Plot taken with the intention of making profit by selling it

All items purchased for business purposes

✅ Episodes submitted by the committee

A loan that is expected to be repaid

✅ Principal amount of insurance and prize bond

✅ Shares

Production of land

✅ Grazing animals outside

Zakat is not obligatory on these things

The necessities of life

Living house

Outstanding loans

Used vehicles

Excess goods that are not for trade

Clothes to wear

Utility bills

Salaries of employees

The scourge of not paying Zakat

๐Ÿ“Œ 1. He who refuses Zakat is a disbeliever. 

๐Ÿ“Œ 2. Whoever does not pay Zakat will be severely punished on the Day of Judgment. (At-Tawbah 34-35)

๐Ÿ“Œ 3. A nation that does not pay Zakat becomes a farmer in a famine. (Tabarani)

๐Ÿ“Œ 4. "The denier of Zakat will be in Hell on the Day of Resurrection." (Kanz al-Amal: 6/131)

๐Ÿ“Œ 5. Those who pay Zakat will be protected from all kinds of grief and fear on the Day of Resurrection. (Al-Baqarah 277)

๐Ÿ“Œ 6. Payment of Zakat is a great means of atonement for sins and elevation of ranks. (At-Tawbah 103)

๐Ÿ”ด Zakat is obligatory on whom? ๐Ÿ”ด

๐Ÿ”น All intelligent, mature, wealthy, Muslim men


Zakat is obligatory on a woman

๐Ÿ”ธProvided that he has the curriculum. 


It is not right to use money earned through usury, bribery, theft, robbery, and other haraam means. It is obligatory to give it as charity in the way of Allah without the intention of reward. There is absolutely no benefit in giving Zakat from them. 

✔ Only zakat given from halal earnings is acceptable. 

๐Ÿ‘‘ Zakat of gold ๐Ÿ‘‘

๐Ÿ’  Zakat is obligatory on 88 grams, that is, seven and a half tolas of gold. (Ibn Majah 1/1448)

๐Ÿ”ด Note: Whether the gold is in a safe place or in use, every single item of Zakat is obligatory. 

๐Ÿ’ Zakat of silver ๐Ÿ’

๐Ÿ’  Zakat is obligatory on 612 grams i.e. fifty two and a half tolas of silver, not on a weight less than that (Ibn Majah). 

Zakat Rate:

๐Ÿ’  Rate of Zakat according to value or according to weight is two and a half percent. 

๐ŸŒพ Zakat on the production of the earth ๐ŸŒพ

People with agricultural land should collect zakat (tithe) from wheat, corn, rice, millet, potato, sunflower, cotton, sugarcane and other types of produce according to the following details:

๐Ÿ’  5% ushar is obligatory on the production of the land irrigated by artificial means. 

๐Ÿ’  The rate of Zakat on production irrigated by natural sources is one-tenth. 

๐Ÿช Zakat of camels ๐Ÿช

๐Ÿ’  Zakat of five camels is one goat and Zakat of ten camels is two goats. Zakat is not obligatory on less than five camels. 

๐Ÿƒ Zakat of buffaloes and cows ๐Ÿ‚

๐Ÿ’  One goat is Zakat on 30 cows. 

๐Ÿ’  Give zakat on 40 cows and a calf older than two years (Tirmidhi 1/509). 

The rate of zakat of buffaloes is also the same as that of cows. 

๐Ÿ Zakat of sheep and goats ๐Ÿ

๐Ÿ’  One goat is Zakat on 40 to one hundred and twenty sheep. 

๐Ÿ’  From 120 to 200 two goats Zakat. 

(Sahih Bukhari Kitab al-Zakah)

Not less than forty goats. 

Zakat on rented property

๐Ÿ’ There is no zakat on a rented house, but if the rent is collected throughout the year, which reaches the nisab and a year has passed, then zakat is obligatory on this rent. If the rent is spent before the end of the year, then there is no zakat. It will be two and a half percent. 

๐ŸšŒ Zakat on vehicles ๐ŸšŒ

๐Ÿ’ Zakah is not due on rented vehicles, but on its rent, with the condition that the rent continues to accumulate throughout the year and reaches the nisab. 


No zakat on household vehicles, animals, security weapons, houses, etc. (Sahih Bukhari)

๐Ÿ›… Zakat on trade goods ๐Ÿ›…

๐Ÿ’  It is wajib to pay Zakat on the merchandise of any type of shop, with the condition that the goods reach Nisab and one year has passed. 


Calculate all the goods of the shop and give 40th part of it as zakat, that is, zakat is not due on the income of the shop, which is spent at the same time, only on the income that remains for the whole year and that money is enough to buy fifty-two and a half tolas of silver. 

๐Ÿ• Zakat on plot or land ๐Ÿ•

๐Ÿ’ Zakat will be payable on a plot purchased for profit, but not zakat on a plot purchased for personal use. 

(Sunan Abi Dawood Book of Zakat Hadith No. 1562)

To whom can Zakat be given? 

๐Ÿ’ In addition to parents and children, similarly, husband and wife can give Zakat to all eligible Muslims except each other. Spend real wealth on parents, children and wife, not Zakat. 


(Parents include grandparents, maternal grandparents, and children include grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. 

๐Ÿ”– Zakat eligible people

1. Poor (needy)

2. The poor

3. Representatives receiving Zakat from the government

4. Indebtedness

5. A non-Muslim who is poor. 

6. Prisoner

7. Mujahideen

8. Travelers who do not currently have a curriculum. (Surat al-Tawbah 60)

๐Ÿ“š important questions ๐Ÿ“š


Question: Explain the literal meaning of Zakat? 

Answer: Purification and growth. 


Question: What is the Islamic definition of Zakat? 

Answer: To make a certain property the owner of a deserving Zakat under certain conditions. 


Question: How much gold is zakat obligatory? 

Answer: Seven and a half Tolas or more (when there is no other Zakat-eligible property with it)


Question: How much silver is Zakat obligatory? 

Answer: Fifty two and a half tolas or more. 


Question: How much rupees is Zakat obligatory? 

Answer: Its value should be equal to fifty-two and a half tolas of silver. 


Question: How much trade wealth is Zakat obligatory? 

Answer: Its value should be equal to fifty-two and a half tolas of silver. 


Question: If something is gold, something is silver, or something is gold, something is cash rupees, or something is silver, something is merchandise, if they are combined, then the value of fifty-two and a half tolas of silver becomes, in this case, zakat is obligatory or no? 

Answer: It is obligatory. 


Question: Zakat is also obligatory on grazing cattle or not? 

Answer: It is obligatory. 


Question: Zakat is also obligatory on the produce of Ushri land or not? 

Answer: It is obligatory. 


Question: A person with Nisab has an average income of 35,000 in a year, so will this 35,000 be included in Zakat property or not? 

Answer: Will be included. 


Question: A manufacturer has two types of assets, one is raw material, which is used in the production of things, and the other is finished goods. Is Zakat obligatory on these two types of goods or not? 

Answer: It is obligatory. 


Question: Is Zakat obligatory on machinery and other things by which goods are produced? 

Answer: No obligation. 


Question: Is there zakat on used jewelry or not? 

Answer: It is Zakat. 


Question: Zakat will be calculated according to English months or according to Hijri (lunar) months? 

Answer: It will be calculated according to the lunar months. 


Question: If the plot was taken with the intention of selling it to make a profit, is zakat obligatory or not? 

Answer: It will be obligatory. 


Question: At the time of buying the plot, there was no intention to sell it, but later on, if the intention is to sell it, is zakat obligatory on it or not? 

Answer: It is not wajib yet, when the money is sold and one year has passed then zakat is obligatory. 


Question: Is there zakat on the plot which is bought for residential house or not? 

no answer. 


Question: If the business of buying and selling plots is done and the plot is bought with the intention of selling it, how will Tuzkah be paid? 

Answer: Zakat will be obligatory on their total current market value every year. 


Question: What is the ruling on zakat for a house that is rented? 

Answer: Zakat will be obligatory on its rent when it reaches Nisab. 


Question: Is there zakat on the money kept for Hajj or not? 

Answer: Zakat is obligatory. If the application is approved, then Zakat is not obligatory. 


Question: If we give Zakat to someone and do not tell him, or if we intend to donate, will Zakat be paid or not? 

Answer: Will be paid. 


Question: If the employee demanded additional salary, the owner increased it with the intention of paying zakat, was his zakat paid or not? 

Answer: Zakat was not paid. 


Question: Does paying income tax pay zakat? 

Answer: Zakat is not paid. 


Question: Can a husband and wife give zakat to their parents, and their children, or not? 

no answer. 


Question: Is giving zakat to those who are teachers themselves considered or not? 

no answer. 


Question: Can Zakat be given to the family of the Prophet (PBUH) or not? 

no answer. 


Question: Is it permissible to give Zakat to one's brother, sister, uncle, nephew, uncle, nephew or not? 

Answer: It is permissible if they deserve it. 


Question: If the family of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is from the family of Ali, Aqeel, Jafar, Abbas and Harith bin Abdul Muttalib, can Zakat be given to him or not? 

no answer. 


Question: How should one serve the poor and needy? 

Answer: From other fund besides Zakat and Sadaqat. 


Question: Why is Sadat not given Zakat? 

Answer: Zakat is a measure of people's wealth. 


Question: Can Zakat be given to the non-Sayyid wife who is entitled to Zakat or not? 

Answer: Zakat can be given to him. 


Question: Can the poor husband of a rich wife collect Zakat from others other than his wife or not? 

Answer: Can take. 


Question: Can non-Muslims give Zakat Al-Fitr and Nafili Sadaqah? 

Answer: Zakat and Fitrah cannot be given to non-Muslims. Yes! Postpartum charity can be given. 


Question: Is it permissible to give Zakat in Madrasas-i-Arabiya or not? 

Answer: It is better because of the publication of religion. 


Question: Sahib-e-Nisab people also get Zakat by pretending to be poor, what is the ruling on this? 

Answer: It is forbidden for them to take Zakat. 


Question: Is giving the prescribed share of Zakat to the recipient of the donation considered? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: The land is irrigated by rainwater, so how much of it is wajib to give in the way of Allah when the produce is raised? 

Answer: Ten percent. 


Question: If the land is self-irrigated, how much of its produce is obligatory to give in charity? 

Answer: Five percent. 


Question: If zakat is paid in one country's currency and sent to another country, which country's currency will be used to pay zakat? 

Answer: The currency of the country in which Zakat was paid. 


Question: Is zakat obligatory on residential house, clothes, household goods, ride or not? 

no answer. 


Question: Is zakat obligatory on gems like pearls, rubies, and zabar jad or not when they are not for trade? 

no answer. If it is for trade then Zakat is obligatory. 


Question: When will payment of Zakat be obligatory? 

Answer: Passing the lunar year is a condition for the syllabus. 


Question: If the curriculum is perfect at the beginning of the year, then it is reduced in the middle of the year but not less than the curriculum, and then the curriculum is perfect at the end of the year, will Zakat be obligatory on it or not? 

Answer: It will be obligatory. 


Question: A person became the owner of Nisab in the beginning of the year, and in the middle of the year, there was an increase in this property, the increase was due to trade, someone gave a gift or inherited property, but the property increased, now Zakat will be obligatory on the entire property or the beginning of the year. Will be obligatory on the property? 

Answer: It will be wajib on the entire property. 


Question: If a person donates all his wealth and does not intend to pay Zakat, will Zakat be canceled or not? 

Answer: It will fall. 


Question: If a person has a debt with a faqir and he discharges his obligation with the intention of paying zakat, will the payment of zakat be valid or not? 

Answer: Payment is not correct. 


Question: In zakat of gold and silver, should the gold and silver pieces be taken out by weight or should they pay the price? 

Answer: Yes. 


Question: Who is called a faqir in spending Zakat? 

Answer: He is a person who owns less than Nisaab. 


Question: Who is called the poor in Zakat expenses? 

Answer: One who does not own anything at all. 


Question: Who is called the factor in spending Zakat? 

Answer: He is the person who collects Zakat and Ushr. And is appointed by the Islamic government. 


Question: Who is called a debtor in Zakat expenses? 

Answer: This is the person who is responsible for the debt, after paying his debt, he is not the owner of Nisab Kamil. The problem of commercial debt is different. 


Question: What is meant by a traveler in Zakat expenses? 

Answer: The one who has wealth in his homeland, but his wealth has been exhausted during the journey and there is no means of retrieving it. 


Question: How much amount of Zakat is correct to spend on a traveler? 

Answer: So much will be spent that they can reach their homeland. 


Question: Is it permissible to spend zakat on all types of zakat or is it permissible to spend on one type? 

Answer: Both are permissible. 


Question: Is giving zakat to a disbeliever reviewed or not? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: Giving zakat to the wealthy is reviewed or not? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: Spending Zakat on wealth is reviewed or not? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on Bani Hashim and their slaves? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: Malik Nisab has not reviewed the spending of Zakat on one's principle such as father, grandfather, up to the top? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: Is it permissible for the owner of Nisab to spend Zakat on his dependents, such as his son, grandson, down to the bottom or not? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: The owner of Nisab can pay Zakat on his wife and the owner of Nisab can pay Zakat on his wife or not? 

no answer. 


Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on the construction of a mosque or madrassa or the repair of a road or bridge? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on covering the dead or paying off the debt of the dead? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: Is payment of Zakat valid without Tamelik (ownership) or not? 

no answer. 


Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on relatives and then on neighbors or not? 

Answer: Better. 


Question: Is it correct to give Zakat equal to the full Nisaab to one person or not? 

Answer: Makruh is tanzihi meaning it is not better but it is not a sin either. 


Question: Is it makruh to spend more than the nisab on the debtor to pay off his debt or not? 

Answer: Not disgusting. 


Question: How is it to transfer Zakat from one place to another without need? 

Answer: Makruh is tanzihi. 


Question: How to transfer Zakat to your relatives? 

Answer: It is not disgusting. 


Question: Is it permissible to spend Zakat on the construction of a mosque or madrassa or the repair of a road or bridge? 

Answer: Not allowed. 


Question: A person who is not entitled to zakat, but wants to become a doctor, can zakat be given to him? 

Answer: It can be supported by charity. 


Question: If Zakat is given to a poor non-Muslim, will it be paid or not? 

Answer: Zakat will not be paid. 


Question: Can one give Zakat amount to his deserving brother? 

Answer: It can be given. 


Question: Can deserving zakat give zakat to cousins, uncles, aunts, brothers or nephews? 

Answer: Can. 


Question: For the payment of Zakat, will the selling price of gold be considered or the purchase price? 

Answer: Market price of sale. 


Question: Zakat on gold will be based on the current price or the price at the time of purchase? 

Answer: Current price will be valid. 


Question: Can a Zakat deserving person spend Zakat on his nephew's education? 

Answer: Yes. But it should be given to him so that he becomes the owner. 


Question: Is it obligatory to give zakat on the property of a minor son or daughter? 

no answer


Question: Can the monthly salary of the imam or muezzin of the mosque be paid from zakat or not? 

no answer. 


Question: Can a girl give Zakat money to her parents? 

no answer. 


Question: Can the giver of charity also use the meat of post-natal charity? 

Answer: It can. 


Question: Can the charity giver himself eat the meat of obligatory charity such as Nazr? 

no answer. 


Question: Can zakat be given to madrassa mahatmam or nazim, who are advocates of students? 

Answer: It can be given. It is better. 


Question: In paying Zakat, the value of which place will be considered? The value of the place where the person giving Zakat is present or the value of the place where the property is located? For example: The property is in Saudi Arabia and the person is in Karachi. 

Answer: The value of the place where the property is located


Question: Is it correct to pay Zakat without Tamleek (i.e. without making a person the owner) or not? 

Answer: It is not necessary to make a poor person the owner, otherwise zakat will not be paid. Therefore, those who do not care for hospitals, congregations or associations should not give zakat! 


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