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*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him



When he passed away, he left 3 billion 201 million dinars in Turkey only in terms of "currency". A dinar was a heavy round gold coin which was equal to 4 and a half mashas and at that time a masha is worth 6 or 7 thousand Pakistani rupees.

A thousand horses, a thousand camels and 10 thousand goats, goats and cattle were besides him. There were countless lands in and around Madinah, while in your property there were even gold bars. After death, these bones were cut with axes. The laborers started harvesting in the morning and it was evening and the hands of the laborers were swollen. At the time of his death, all four of his wives were alive and his wife got one-eighth share of the property. Each of your wives received 400,000,000 dirhams in the form of currency. 

This was Hazrat Abd al-Rahman bin Awf, who not only has the honor of being Badri Sahabi, but is also the eighth among the 10 Sahaba to whom the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, gave the tidings of Paradise in this world. 

Hazrat Abd al-Rahman bin Auf used to trade even before Islam and was one of the best friends of Hazrat Uthman. When they migrated and came to Madinah, they were completely paralyzed. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also conducted his interviews with an Ansari companion. You asked these Ansari Sahabi only two questions:

1) Where is the market? 

2) Which business has the highest demand in the market? 

After that, Abd al-Rahman bin Auf started the work of tying bells to the necks of animals and in a short period of time, he ended the monopoly and occupation of the Jews from the market. The market that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) had established in Madinah used to supply low-profit and interest-free goods to the small traders there. He used to divide what he earned into two parts. Once he earned 8 thousand dinars, he gave 4 thousand dinars to the service of the Prophet of Allah. He asked what did he leave at home? He said it is as much as I have brought. He prayed, "O Allah! Abdul Rahman, who is the merchant of Rahman, bless him in both his wealth that he brought here and what he left at home." Abd al-Rahman says that since then I used to touch the soil and it would turn into gold. 

Once there was a sandstorm in Medina. People came out of their houses in shock and worry, Umm al-Mu'minin Hazrat Aisha also came to the door and asked how is this storm? People said that the trade caravan of Abd al-Rahman bin Auf has come. You surprisingly discovered; Can a commercial caravan also be like this? And then suddenly there were 700 camels loaded with goods standing in the middle of the city. Abd al-Rahman bin Auf used to cry and distribute goods among the people, even he distributed the goods of 700 camels among the people. 

As a whole, the mood of Islam and Islamic society is to promote trade and business while discouraging employment and slavery. That is why the meaning of the hadith of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, is that: There are 10 doors of sustenance, 9 of which open in trade and the remaining 1 includes all the others. 

People are debating whether Islam spread by preaching or by sword. I believe that Islam spread through trade. Muslims were very broad minded. They knew how to "brand" and "brand" themselves. Muslims never confined themselves to Mecca, Medina or Arabia. They used to reach Ghraib-ul-Hind Islands through Iran, Iraq and India and introduce their "brand" to the whole world. Their brand name was “Islam”. The goal was Islam and the result was money. They used to sell the cloth by mentioning defects and defects, they used to tell the customer after the rain that the wheat has become wet due to the rain, so we will sell it at less than its original price. They used to sell the good to the customer even at a small profit and take back and exchange the sold goods. 

We are such a duplicitous nation that we lie and cheat to earn a couple of rupees. But the businessmen are also considered thieves and robbers and are also jealous of them. Today, the whole world has understood that countries and nations develop by respecting those who import, export, invest and trade, but those whose forefathers introduced their business to 3 continents are unaware of this. There are 500 big oil companies in the world, but not a single one of them is owned by a MuslimIt is not of the country while 10 out of 11 oil producing countries are Arab. You will not see the name of the big so-called food chains and hotels of Pakistan outside of Pakistan, nor will you find any of our products in the international market. Even our rice and mangoes are known by the name of India in the world. 

You see Kamal that compared to the Jews in Madinah, the bazaar established by the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, was given a "tax-free" environment for those coming from outside. They pitched their tents there, but they were not charged any money, whereas the Jews were heavily taxed. Today, Israel is tax-free for business people, while doing business in our country has become a punishment. 

No country in the world can provide 5 million homes and 10 million jobs. It promotes people like Mukesh Anbani, Lakshmi Mittal, Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos in their country. They call America "Bill Gates' America", but we are the ones who humiliate and humiliate those who show Pakistan's business face in the world. 

Poor people around the world think that the rich have taken over our wealth, but the reality is that you should distribute the wealth of the whole world equally to every human being. It will come back to the same hands after only 5 years, the poor will remain poor and the rich will become rich again, because poverty and aristocracy are related to "mindset" not money. The problem is that MBAs from America to Karachi are trained to run other people's companies in the best way possible, but our colleges and universities have no program to start and run their own company. Not at all. Our entire education system is only producing slaves and servants and it has two major disadvantages. 

1) The first disadvantage is that the servant's trust ends on Allah and becomes on the master, seth and company. And the day the shadow of this God (Boss, Company, Seth) rose above me Naooz Allah. I will become poor or maybe I will end up on the street and my wife and children will starve. 

2) Another disadvantage is that the servant does not realize his worth. It is possible that Allah created him to earn 6 million and he considered 60 thousand as his destiny throughout his life and it is also possible that the lives of thousands of people are going to change through him and he will spend all his life. Put all your energy into making your wife and children happy. 

However, in our homes and educational institutions, there is a dire need to cultivate business mind and commercial spirit instead of job and slavery so that our children can think something out of the fear of wealth and the shackles of money. Be a supporter and supporter of all, Amen**


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