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Showing posts from March, 2024

*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

At the point when a visitor came to the Ottoman Turks, they would offer him espresso and plain wate

 At the point when a visitor came to the Ottoman Turks, they would offer him espresso and plain water Assuming the visitor lifted his hand towards the water, they would comprehend that the visitor needed food, then, at that point, they would orchestrate the best food What's more, assuming he had expanded his hand towards the espresso, he would have realized that the visitor didn't have to eat Assuming you see yellow blossoms outside a house, it intends that there is a wiped out individual in that house. You shouldn't make commotion outside the house on account of this debilitated individual and you can drop by. Furthermore, on the off chance that red blossoms were set external the house, it would be a sign that there is a full grown young lady in the house, so don't talk profane expressions around the house. What's more, to bring a marriage message, welcome. Two sorts of doorbell (chime molded) hammers were put external the house One major one little On the off chan

*Smoking is hurtful to the point that you will… startling fact*

 *Smoking is hurtful to the point that you will… startling fact* Smoking can be so destructive for any person that the resistant framework in his body is hopelessly harmed. This unfortunate behavior pattern influences the resistance frightfully and is likewise exceptionally hazardous for human wellbeing. Smoking causes such changes in the human safe framework that illnesses and diseases don't leave the individual for a really long time even in the wake of stopping. As per ongoing examination, smoking progressively diminishes the capacity of the human body to battle illnesses, and individuals experiencing this propensity become survivors of hazardous infections like gout. A French investigation of such individuals found that when they quit the propensity, their invulnerable framework improved somewhat, yet it didn't completely recuperate for a considerable length of time. . The exploration likewise uncovered that the more an individual smokes, the quicker their safe framework st

How do the dead affirm that they are dead?

 How do the dead affirm that they are dead? At first the dead individual doesn't understand that he is dead. He feels himself longing for death, he sees himself crying, washing, hitching and diving to the grave. He generally has the impression of dreaming  Then he yells yet nobody hears his yell, when everybody is scattered and let be inside the earth, Allah reestablishes his spirit. He wakes up and awakens from his "terrible dream". At first he is cheerful and grateful that, what he was going through was only a bad dream, and presently he is conscious from his rest. Then he begins contacting his body, which is enveloped by a fabric, pondering to himself "Where could my shirt be?"  Then he starts to understand that he is underground, and that the very thing he is encountering isn't a fantasy, he understands that he is truly dead. He shouts as clearly as possible, shouting to his family members who might have saved him as needs be: Nobody responds to him. He

*There is an entire framework concealed inside Durood Sharif*

 *#love_system* *There is an entire framework concealed inside Durood Sharif* We can refer to it as "adoration framework" and "benevolence framework" in our word reference... When Darood Sharif is recounted, this entire framework comes into movement... Momentarily grasp this framework… one who discusses Durood Sharif… gives verification of adoration to Allah Ta'ala… Since Allah Ta'ala has requested to recount Durood Sharif... *This is the first love...* The reciter of Durood Sharif has paid a right of affection to Sacred Prophet ﷺ... this adoration is fundamental for confidence... Until the affection for Rasoolullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam... we don't get above all the other things... until that time our confidence won't be great... the dependable confidence is the one wherein love for the Blessed Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam... We didn't get the noticeable friendship of Heavenly Prophet (PBUH). Yet, we can track down the adoration for

"God pardon Viagra".

 "God pardon Viagra". In Pakistan, particularly among men, after Panadol, assuming any medication has acquired distinction, it is Viagra. Sildenifil is a salt in the renowned medication Viagra, which was developed in 1989 when American specialists were participated in research on heart illnesses and their treatment. Yet, it was not promoted in 1989, however more exploration was finished on it for a long time. During the exploration, Sildenifil, the salt present in Viagra, gave amazing positive outcomes in specific heart sicknesses which were not given by any medication previously. Sildenifil is as yet the best medication for pneumonic hypertension. One of the marvels of this medication is that it expands the veins and guides the blood stream to the particular organs. Accordingly, this medication is additionally utilized for sexual shortcoming. A popular worldwide drug organization promoted this salt as Viagra. In 1998, the FDA, the world's biggest association that control

Why such a cruel discipline for infidelity?

 Why such a cruel discipline for infidelity? Ordinarily the inquiry emerges in the psyche that why just the discipline for infidelity is so serious in Shariat. At the point when we went to the Qur'an, it was found that where just the right of Allah is concerned, then, at that point, Allah embraces a mentality of mercy, and where the right of a worker is joined with the right of Allah, then, at that point, Allah takes severity. The casualties of the infidelity of two individuals are not two people, two families, two countries, two gatherings or two clans, however the whole Ummah. The discipline for infidelity has likewise expanded in seriousness that being done covertly yet in public isn't. Furthermore, every stone will make an injury on the body until the spirit passes on. The insight in this is that similarly as each tissue of his body partook in the demonstration of this transgression, so presently demise additionally happens second by second and second by second desolation.

Creations A Survey

 Creations A Survey Each thought resembles a seed in any creation. Each disclosure, each creation, each unrest, each development is driven by some thought. A thought resembles an atomic power in an iota, the more impressive the thought, the more remarkable the thing brought into its world. Thoughts are brought into the world from different thoughts. Meeting educated people for groundbreaking thoughts, talking, discussing, understanding books, considering, contemplating in isolation, reprimanding the thoughts of others and tolerating analysis with boldness, communicating the thoughts. To have the boldness, to consider and note down each thought, to test the thoughts, this is essential. There are factors. 1,000 years before the Wright Siblings of America, Abbas Ibn Furnas, a space expert, artist and designer from Andalusia, was quick to endeavor to fly in the air. As per one antiquarian, in 852 Promotion he hopped from the minaret of the Jama Masjid in Córdoba to test his aeronautical su

Almost all cryptocurrencies are using blockchain technology. (File photo: AFP)

Currently, many countries around the world are considering the development of digital currency and its adoption as a permanent as qalternative to cash, and many countries have implemented partial systems. It is accepted in the same way in other two states El Salvador and Central African RepublicLike their own or foreign currency notes.  US President Joe Biden issued an executive order in March 2022 ordering federal agencies to coordinate with each other by creating regulations in this matter. Currently, US legislation is prioritizing the issue to provide protection to investors in these sectors.  According to a report on the White House website, more than 16 percent of Americans have invested in some form of cryptocurrency (a digital currency that is not controlled by a central government), while more than 100 countries have invested in it. Central banks are working on launching their own digital currency.  Not only does cryptocurrency enjoy legal protection in the UK, crypto holders h

* Country of Aram:.*

 * Country of Aram:.* These individuals had a place with the clan of Aad and they were occupants of the settlement named Iram. That settlement had immense points of support. Imad is plural of Imad and Imad implies point of support. Two countries have passed by the name of Aad. One is called ''Aad-e-Qitima or ''Aad-e-Iram.'' He was one of the relatives of Aad canister Awad container Iram receptacle Sam canister Nuh. He is additionally called Aad-e-Iram after his granddad. He additionally named his city after his granddad. His country was neighboring Aden. Hazrat Hud (a.s.) was shipped off them, yet when they were obliterated because of the wrongdoings of individuals of 'Promotion, Hazrat Hud (a.s.) got back to the presence of death. His home was in Ahqaf region. Hazrat Hud kicked the bucket here. This country living in Ahqaf fostered a great deal. Allah Ta'ala had given this country uncommon strength and power. Every one of them was somewhere around twel
 *Seek help from Allah said Barakatuh* * 🌹 Sixteenth Friday 🌹 * *This paragraph has three parts:* 1. The remainder of Surah Kahf 2. Surah Maryam complete 3. Surah Taha complete *(1) There are two things in the remaining part of Surah Kahf:* 1. The story of Hazrat Musa and Khidr (peace be upon him) (which begins at the end of the fifteenth verse and ends at the beginning of the sixteenth verse) 2. The story of Dhul-Qarnain *1. The story of Hazrat Musa and Khidr (peace be upon him):* When Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) was informed by Allah that there is a man living on the shore of the sea who has knowledge that you do not have, then he went in search of him. Here you met Hazrat Khizr (peace be upon him) and asked him for permission to stay with himgave permission on the condition that you would not ask any questions, then three strange incidents happened, in the first incident, Hazrat Khizr (a.s.) broke the plank of the boat whose owners had boarded him without taking rent, in the s

Coronary illness. Heart Uneasiness/Fear

 Coronary illness. Heart Uneasiness/Fear   In this manner, catalyst                                                           mmmm😍 influence each human organ or organ. Like heart, cerebrum, stomach, skin, and so on, however today we figure out heart tension. It is a mental issue. What is tension? With next to no specific explanation, the mental condition like tension, apprehension, uneasiness, dread, dread is called nervousness. There are many sorts of uneasiness and a patient can have numerous psychological sicknesses simultaneously. However, in patients with heart uneasiness, the pulse turns out to be exceptionally quick whenever. The pulse can go up to 120, or at least 150, which is typical 60 to 100. The patient feels that his heart will explode, the patient is worried about the possibility that that he will have a cardiovascular failure, the heart will stop or he will pass on. Because of which patients with heart nervousness go to the crisis medical clinic ordinarily and continu

Propensities that cause exhaustion constantly

 Propensities that cause exhaustion constantly Do you feel tired constantly or do you feel tired in any event, when you are following through with something? Assuming this is the case, in addition to the absence of rest's depleting you of energy, yet in addition the easily overlooked details that burden you truly and intellectually. These are the vices that influence the way of life and make you so drained that you fall behind in each part of life. Swear off work out Assuming that you forego exercise to save your actual energy, the idea might weigh intensely on you.  Assuming that they were acquainted with work out, they would feel more vivacious and less inclined to fatigueYes, standard activity increments actual strength while making your cardiovascular framework work all the more proficiently. Less water use Parchedness, or even a little loss of water, just two percent, influences energy stores. Parchedness lessens the volume of blood, which makes it thicken, which thus decrease
 *Thirteenth Friday* 💕 There are three parts in this verse: 1. *Rest of Surah Yusuf* 2. * Surah Raad complete * 3. *Surah Ibrahim complete* (1) *The rest of Surah Yusuf*: Its details have been mentioned in the previous paragraph.  (2) * There are five things in Surah Raad*: 1. The authenticity of the Qur'an 2. Monotheism 3. day of judgement 4. Mission 5. Eight attributes of Mutaqeen and three signs of Ashqiyyah 1. Authenticity of Quran: It is worth noting that the surahs that begin with the letters al-Muqat are usually preceded by a reference to the Qur'an, to challenge those opponents who call the Qur'an a human effort.  2. Monotheism: He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon, the night and the day, the mountains and the rivers, the grains and the fruits of different colors, flavors and fragrances, and death and life, profit and loss are in His hands alone. Allah has appointed angels to protect humans.  3. day of judgement: The polytheists wond

*Compensation for Intentionally Missing the Obligatory Fast*

 *Compensation for Intentionally Missing the Obligatory Fast* Mujib: Abu Hafs Maulana Muhammad Irfan Attari Madani Fatwa No: WAT-1942 Release date: 11 Safar Al-Muzaffar 1445 AH/29 August 2023 Dar al-Ifta Ahle Sunnah (Dawt-e-Islami) Question If someone intentionally misses the obligatory fast, how will it be compensated?  In the name of Allah, the Merciful Al-Jawaab with the help of the King, the Wahhab of Allah, the Guide to the Truth and the Answer If a person deliberately leaves the obligatory fast without a Shariah excuse, then he will be a grave sinner and deserving of the punishment of Hellfire. It will be necessary to perform Qadha on him with repentance. By repenting and taking Qadha, he will be absolved from evil, but the virtue of fasting can never be equal to it. Also, skipping the fast is a total loss, there is no benefit, because if you intentionally skip the fast, it will be wajib to live like the fasting people throughout the day. . Therefore, such people should perform t

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