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*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

A story composed on the existence of Ruler Salahuddin Ayyubi

Ruler Salah al-Racket Ayyubi showed up in Damascus from Lure al-Maqdis on November 4, 1192. After four months, Ruler Khaliq met Haqiji.

His children were in Damascus. He liked the city for its cheapness. His children were happy to see him. The people of Damascus and the surrounding areas flocked to see their victorious Sultan. 

Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi saw this eager devotion of his people, so on the next day (Thursday, November 5) he held a public court in which everyone was allowed to meet the Sultan and express any grievances that anyone had. 

Men, women, old children, rich, poor, rulers and people gathered to meet Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi. Poets recited poems in honor of Sultan Ayyubi. 

Sultan Salah al-Din Ayyubi was never allowed to sleep peacefully during the day or at night due to constant jihad and the busyness of the empire. 

He was physically worn out and to refresh his mentally tired nerves, he took up deer (gazal) hunting in the Damascus area. 

He used to play hunting with his brothers and children. He intended to rest for a few days and go to Egypt, but even in Damascus, official work did not leave him. 

I was at that time (minister) in Bait al-Maqdis. One day I received a letter from Damascus from Sultan Salah al-Din Ayubi. He invited me to Damascus. 

In so much mud and so much rain, I was able to leave Bait al-Maqdis after nineteen days. were waiting for

Sultan Ayyubi was informed of my arrival and he immediately called me into his private room. When I went before him he rose with outstretched arms and embraced me. I have never seen such contentment and peace on his face. There were tears in his eyes

The next day he called me and reached his private room, so he asked me who were sitting in the meeting room. are sitting for

He asked Jamaluddin Iqbal to apologize to these people on my behalf and tell them that I will not be able to meet anyone today. 

The next day he called me early in the morning. I went and he was sitting in his garden playing with his children. He asked if there was a visitor in the meeting room. 

He was told that the envoys of the Ferangi (Franks) had come and sat. Sultan Ayubi said, "Send the Ferangi envoys here." His children left there. 

When the Ferangi came, the child saw their beardless faces and their clothes, the child started crying in fear, the child had never seen a person without a beard. is lying

But the Sultan, instead of sending the child in, told the Ferangis that he would not be able to meet them today, so he sent them away without a word. 

Light food was served to him which included pudding. He ate very little. I felt as if he was starving. I dined with him. feels

After eating, he asked me, Haji has returned? I told him that the road is very muddy and perhaps the pilgrims will come by tomorrow. Sultan said we will go to receive them. 

Having said this, he called a ruler and ordered that the pilgrims are coming and there is mud and water on the way, immediately send men and clear the mud and water from the path by which the pilgrims are coming. 

I went with his permission, I could see that his enthusiasm and diligence had faded

The next day he went out on a horse to meet the pilgrims and I also followed him on a horse

His son Mulk al-Afzal also came. The news spread like wildfire among the people that the Sultan had come out. People left their work and ran to see their conqueror Sultan from close quarters and shake hands with him. 

When the Sultan went home amid this impatient and unruly crowd of devotees, his son, Mulk al-Fazl, panicked, told me that the Sultan was not wearing a riding dress (it used to be a type of armor, Sultan Salah). Al-Din Ayubi never went out without this garment.)

We had a problem with the Sultan not even having a bodyguard. 

The attack could still happen) I broke through the crowd and reached the sultan and told him that you are not in your special dress. He was startled as if awakened from sleep. He was the one who used to dress him

I started to feel a bit more dangerous I started to feel like there was going to be an accident I told him I'm not familiar with the roads around here is there a way where there are less people and you can go back? 

He said that there is a way, he turned the horse that way, the crowd of people was immense, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi put the horse on the middle path of the ga you his life was in danger and his health as well. We entered the fort through the spring of Al-Mubeena. On Friday evening, Sultan Ayyubi felt unusually weak. 

A little before midnight, he developed a fever. It was bilious fever. It was more inside the body. It was less outside. In the morning (21 February 1193 AH), he was sick with fever. Touching the body felt less heat. 

I went to see him, his son Mulk al-Fazl was with him. Sultan told me that he had spent the night in great pain. He started talking here and there. We joined him in the gossip. 

By this his mood was restored and by the second afternoon he was much better. When we started to get up from there, he said, "Go and eat with Mulk al-Fazl. Qazi al-Fazl was also with me. He was used to eating with someone else." was not

He apologized and left. I went to the dining room. Leaving Salahuddin Ayyubi, I felt as if I had left my heart with Sultan Ayyubi. I went to the dining room. The table was set. 

Many people were sitting. Mulk Al-Fazl was sitting in his father's place. Of course, Al-Fazl was the son of Salahuddin Ayubi, but it was very sad to see his son sitting in place of the Sultan. 

Some of them even shed tears. After that day, Sultan Ayyubi's health continued to deteriorate. Qazi-ul-Fazl and I used to visit the room where Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi was lying several times every day. 

He would talk to us if he was in the least bit of pain, otherwise he would lie with his eyes closed and we would watch him. The biggest danger to his life was that his doctor was absent (Qazi Bahauddin Shaddad did not write where Tabib Khas had gone.)

Sultan was being treated by four doctors together, but the disease was increasing, on the fourth day of the illness, the four doctors decided to drain the blood from Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi's body. Glands become redundant

This dried up the internal fluids in his body. Sultan Ayyubi reached the end of his recovery. On the sixth day, we made him sit on a support. He was given a medicine, after which he had to drink warm water. 

It should have been warm. Sultan Ayyubi put a cup to his mouth and he said that the water was too hot. He did not drink. The water was brought slightly cooled. did not

That's all he said in the tone of despair Oh God! There is no one who can give me lukewarm water. Tears came to my and Al-Fazl's eyes (the man who terrorized the world on the cross was completely helpless). will

Had there been someone else in his place, he would have given this cup of water on the head of the person who did not bring the water he liked. 

On the ninth day, he fell ill, he could not even drink water. The news spread in the city that Sultan Ayubi's condition had become serious. The sadness of death fell on the whole city. Prayers for his recovery were everywhere and in every language. 

The merchants and traders were so frightened that they began to take their goods from the markets. Words cannot describe how sad and distressed every individual was. 

Qazi-ul-Fazl and I stayed with Sultan Ayyubi for the first part of the night and kept looking at him. He could not speak or see. The rest of the night we stood outside. When someone came from inside, we would ask him how the Sultan was doing. 

When we would go out in the morning, we would see a crowd of people standing outside, now people were afraid to even ask us how the Sultan's health was. 

The crowd looked at us quietly and we bowed our heads when we saw the crowd. On the tenth day, the doctors gave him a bowel cleansing medicine, which made him a bit sober. Everyone rejoiced

That night we waited for a few hours to go to him but went to the palace where Jamal-ud-din Iqbal was sitting and asked him about the condition of Salah-ud-din Ayyubi. Humidity and wind are coming

We thanked God. We asked Jamaluddin to go and see for himself whether there are any signs of sweat on the rest of the body. Come on

On the second day, which was Tuesday, the 26th of Safar and the eleventh day of Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi's illness, we went to see the Sultan, but he could not enter. Is

The news was not good, the fluid in the body was rapidly depleting, the doctors said to their surprise that even though the body was dry from inside, the Sultan still had energy in his body. 

Seeing that there was no hope for the Sultan's recovery, Saladin's son, Mulk al-Afzal, immediately arranged for the princes and ministers to take an oath of allegiance. 

He summoned all the Qazis to the Rizwan Mahal and asked them to draft a new oath of allegiance to Salah al-Din Ayyubi as long as he was alive and to al-Mulk al-Afzal after his death. 

Al-Afzal apologized and said that he would never have prepared such an affidavit, but Sultan Ayubi's condition had entered a critical stage. 

The affidavit was prepared. On the second day, the relevant princes and ministers were called to take the oath. First, Saad al-Din Masoud, the governor of Damascus, took the oath, followed by Nasr al-Din, who was the governor of Suhayun. 

He took the oath on the condition that the fort of which he was the governor would be considered his (Nasreddin's) personal property after the death of Sultan Ayubi. All the nobles, ministers and governors took the oath. 

The words of the affidavit were that from this moment I will remain loyal to Malik al-Nusr (Salahad al-Din Ayubi) for the sake of the united cause as long as he lives and will tirelessly and continuously strive to maintain his rule. I will dedicate my life, my property, my sword, my army and my subjects

I will obey his every command and fulfill his every desire and after that for the sake of the sons of Al-Afzal I will obey his commands knowing God as the present watcher and for him I will give my life, my wealth, my sword and To dedicate my army I bear witness to God in my oath of allegiance

The second clause of the affidavit was that if I violate my oath, I swear that only because of this violation my wives will be divorced (i.e. the wives will no longer be mine) and I will be deprived of all personal and official servants. will be done and I will have to go to Hajj Kaaba barefoot or on foot

26 Safar 589 Hijri (March 3, 1193) was Tuesday evening and on the eleventh day of Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi's illness, his energy was completely exhausted and hope died. 

He was a scholar of law and science who had never been called before. Salah al-Din had great respect for Ayyubi. When Sultan Ayyubi conquered Jerusalem, he was chosen by Sultan Ayyubi to deliver the first Friday sermon in Al-Aqsa Mosque. was

Later he was appointed Qazi of Damascus. When we went, Mulk al-Fazl said that the three of us stayed with him the whole night. Looking forward to hearing

If we stay inside all night, they will understand something else and wrong news will spread in the city. Al-Afzal understood that he said that we should go instead of us. He called Imam Abu Jafar for the purpose that if at night Salah al-Din Ayyubi became a world of controversy

So the Imam will recite the Qur'an on his head. We came from there. After that, Imam Abu Ja'far narrated the incident of the last night of Sultan Saladin Ayyubi. He said that he recited the Qur'an on the Sultan's head. 

During this time Sultan would sometimes faint, sometimes he would regain consciousness and sometimes his mind would wander. After midnight, the date of 27 Safar 589 Hijri (March 4, 1193 AD) had begun. 

Imam Abu Ja'far said, "I was reciting Surah Al-Hajj in the twenty-second verse. When I read it, God is the Almighty, the True, and He revives the dead, and He has power over everything. Heard the whisper he was saying it's true it's true these were his last words

Immediately after that, the morning call to prayer was heard, I closed the Holy Qur'an, and as soon as the call to prayer ended, Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi met his real creator with great peace and contentment. 

Imam Abu Ja'afar also told me that when the adhan started, he was reciting a verse, "There is no god but Allah, we ask Him for help." Then Sultan Ayyubi's lips smiled, his face lit up, and he prayed to his God in that state. Went to

When I arrived, Salah al-Din Ayyubi had died after the Caliphs of the Rashiduns, and if there was any great blow to the nation, it was the death of Sultan Ayyubi. God knows how deep

I have frequently heard individuals say that they would set out their lives for the individual they love the most, however I have never seen anybody set out their lives for anybody.

Nonetheless, I swear that on the last evening of Ruler Ayyubi's life, assuming somebody asked us who might want to pass on rather than King Ayyubi, a large number of us would have forfeited our lives to keep King Ayyubi alive.

On that day, in the city, I saw people shedding uncontrollable tears, they were not thinking about anything else but crying, no poet was allowed to recite the eulogy, no imam, no judge and no scholar advised people to be patient, they were crying themselves. were

The children of Salahuddin Ayyubi were having hiccups and went out into the streets crying and shouting. Seeing them crying, people shouted and cried. It was time for Zuhr prayer. 

The bath was given by an official of the court, Al-Dalai, I was asked to take a bath, but my heart was not strong enough, so I refused. 

When the funeral was placed in front of the people, the screams of the men and the screams of the women started shaking the sky. 

Qazi Muhyiddin Ibn Zaki led the funeral prayer. I can't tell you how many people were in the funeral, but I can tell you that everyone was standing in the funeral prayer, but instead of praying, everyone was hesitating and some of them were screaming uncontrollably. were

After the funeral prayer, the dead body was placed in the house in the garden where the deceased had spent the days of illness. 

When the people went back to their homes, it seemed as if the crowd of dead bodies was leaving. 

And this writing was completed by Al-Mulk al-Nasr Abu Zafar Yusuf ibn Najam Ayyub Salahuddin Ayyubi, may God have mercy on him, and my purpose with this writing is to please God and my purpose is also to remember him. 

Who was good and focus only on good. After these memoirs, it is also important to mention that one of Sultan Ayyubi's wishes was to cleanse Palestine from the Crusaders, and this wish was fulfilled. 

His second wish was to perform Hajj after Fatah Palestine, but this wish could not be fulfilled, the reason was not because of illness, but because he did not have enough money, his personal pocket was empty. 

The man who reaped the harvest with the sickle of Bilal Nu, the mujahid, the Sultan of Egypt, Syria and Palestine, who had the treasures of the kingdom at his feet, was too poor to go to Hajj. 

And the shroud that was worn on him was bought by Qazi Bahauddin Shaddad Qazi Al-Fazl Ibn Zaki by collecting money from the veil. 


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