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Showing posts from May, 2024

*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

Dr. Abdul Salam Traitor country or hero?

 Dr. Abdul Salam Traitor country or hero?  ................................................ ........................  Dr. Abdul Salam Qadiani is also called "son of Ahmadiyya"

*Have you ever experienced reciting Salat al-Hajjat*? ,

 *Have you ever experienced reciting Salat al-Hajjat*?  My heart wants to hold people and tell them: Why are you sad?  If you are sad, Salat al-Hajjat ​​is an amazing way to remove sadness.  What do you do when you are sad?  First we cry Talk your heart out to someone?  Go into depression?  Tell your story to someone who listens to you and earns coins. That comforts you.  This calms down temporarily, but after some time the same problem starts again!  Believe me same thing happens to me.  But!  Allow me to let you know something. As per a hadith, on the off chance that an individual performs bathing, supplicates two rak'ahs and petitions God for a need, sometime Allah will satisfy that need. I experienced it!  And!  You can't imagine and I can't describe the amazing results it produces.  Do you know what the benefits are?  "prayer" You all pray! With absolute confidence!  Regularly!  But!  You should read Salat al-Hajjat!  You must be reading But you should make i

* What is lithium? Where is it used and what is its future?*

 * What is lithium? Where is it used and what is its future?* Lithium is a sort of metal. It is apparently prepared to set its placed by the expectations of the state of the art time frame, keeping in view what is happening and multi-reason present day necessities. Internationally, it is being known as the "oil addressing what might be on the horizon" as a result of its light weight metal and being known as innocuous to the environment energy diverged from oil. A pollution tortured world is expecting to end the use of oil. Exhausted on growing air defilement in the world, every country is endeavoring to achieve environment agreeable energy. Experts regarding this situation concur, lithium is the best wellspring of green economy energy. While oil-energized vehicles are being considered as the huge justification behind air tainting all over, the example of gathering electric vehicles is securing conspicuousness. which are battery worked and lithium is the essential part that dr

Astounding Advantages of Balinga

 Astounding Advantages of Balinga A characteristic help like Takhmi Balinga, likewise prevalently known as Takhm Malinga, is gravely dismissed in Pakistan, which is brimming with therapeutic advantages as it is a fortune of wellbeing. Just while making sharbat and phaluda do you consider the Malinga seed, however from the beginning of time this seed has additionally been utilized as cash. Aztec fighters used to eat it before the fight since it is ready for business. That is the reason Tchmu Malinga is additionally called the sprinter's food. 🔹 Fixings 28 grams of malinga seeds contain 137 calories, 12 grams of sugars, four and a half grams of fat, ten and a half grams of fiber, zero and six milligrams of manganese, 265 milligrams of phosphorus, 177 milligrams of calcium, notwithstanding nutrients, minerals, niacin, iodine and Thiamine is available. Aside from this, few kinds of cancer prevention agents are likewise found in malinga seeds. 🔹 Revive the skin and avoid advanced age

Must read important information about Pakistan's nuclear program, Dr. Abdul Qadir, Dr. Samar Mubarak and nuclear explosions

From PIA plane hijacking to 'Allahu Akbar' chants in Chagai: Whe n dust clouds obscure the face of the sun and black granite turns white "Come on India," shouted the hijacker, placing a pistol on the pilot's cockpit.  Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) Flight 544 had taken off from Turbat in Balochistan province just ten minutes before the pilot heard this threatening sound.  The destination of this Fokker aircraft, which took off from Turbat, was the city of Karachi in Sindh province.  According to Uzir Khan, the pilot of this plane, as soon as the hijacker's attention was diverted by a sound coming from the back of the plane, he pressed a button that sent a signal on the radar that the passenger plane was hijacked.  Later, Uzair Khan told in the documentary film 'Flight 544' that the hijackers had brought maps etc. He said just go straight. If you went straight, you would have come to the border of India. .                I said that there is insu

Those who should have a dupatta on their heads are standing bare-headed.

 An article written by a Jew Those who should have a dupatta on their heads are standing bare-headed.  This article is about a Jewish teenager *Arabic to Urdu translation.* I am a Jew and I am proud to be a Jew while you are now ashamed to be called a Muslim...while you rule the world today.  Did you see what we did to you?  We did not like your situation when we walked on the streets together.  So what did we do?  He removed the hijab from the heads of Tumhari girls very easily...  In other ways, Quran 📖 Bhilvadia too..  Send your clothes to you guys🎽👚👗 Look at your bazaars, they are all naked clothing showrooms... and the clothes of your civilization are not to be found in your bazaars.  And the funny thing is that you all accepted...👍 Don't you realize that this is what is going on individuals of Part... How stupid you are... who used to say: Jews stole our land..Quran📖 and Sunnah ended...  Where did you die?  Why not do something?  Your girls are walking on the streets in

How to get cash online in Pakistan? Know 15 best ways.

 How to get cash online in Pakistan? Know 15 best ways. Nowadays every business is going on the web and due to Crown the example of working web based similarly extended an incredible arrangement.

15 Invulnerability Supporting Food sources

 15 Invulnerability Supporting Food sources Food varieties assume a significant part in supporting the resistant framework. There are a few significant food varieties that can be utilized to quickly help invulnerability. If you have any desire to beat any illness then having resistance is vital. On the off chance that the body has resistance, any sickness and contamination can't go after you without any problem. To support your resistance right away, begin consolidating things like dissolvable fiber and dim verdant and brilliant vegetables in your eating regimen today. 1. Cold Ice helps resistance in a flash. Ice is the most ideal choice for speedy recuperation of feeble individuals. Desi chicken or lamb yakhni causes solid and solid bones. 2. Yogurt Yogurt is a speedy and modest method for helping invulnerability and battle illnesses. By consolidating various natural products you can additionally expand its viability. Vitamin D is a gold mine of regular guards for the body. 3. Alm

*A school teacher writes*

 *A school teacher writes* It has been quite a while that when I was serving at Liaquat Clinical Hotel in Jamshoro, the young men coordinated a gathering on the Prophet's story and welcomed every one of the educators. So I went to this gathering alongside Dr. Inayatullah Jokhio (a muscular subject matter expert). In this meeting, a speaker of Islam gave a point by point record of the confidential existence of the Sacred Prophet (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) and made sense of the subtleties of every one of his relationships, why he did this marriage and how it helped the Ummah. This assertion was powerful to the point that the crowd felt a debt of gratitude a ton. Toward the finish of the gathering, when the two of us were coming from Jamshoro to Hyderabad via vehicle, Dr. Inayatullah Jokhio offered something bizarre... He said that This evening I turned into a Muslim once more At the point when I requested subtleties, he said that when he went to Britain for FRCS quite a whil

Fall of family system in Pakistan...!

Fall of family system in Pakistan...!  In our time, our grandfather had sixteen or seventeen children and four wives.  None of the children have seen the face of the school.  When the children raised their heads, they were pushed into the crops and fields, the one who fetched a cow from another village would pass the primary, the one who took the plow would pass the matriculation, the one who would be employed in a mill would do MA. So the parents' expenses were nothing, the profit was the profit, so the parents were sometimes frustratedThe mother and sister of the children were not together, the narrator used to write chain-hi-chain, if the child's mustache got wet or warts broke out, a link from the same mansion was taken and married to him and the cot and a bucket of water were placed on the roof. Marriages were usually given to a boy of 16 years and a girl of 14 years. This was almost the custom of the villages, the parents were Sikhs, the children used to come with one mou

NASA's next target

 NASA's next target "Have you ever taken a long journey by bus or train? If so, then you are well aware that long journeys usually slow a person down. You must have traveled continuously for one or two days at most. But in the next few years, you will also see a person who will not be traveling for a day or two, but for eighteen consecutive months around the world. Soon you will see it live on Facebook.  NASA's next target is to land humans on Mars, NASA's technology is already there, and it is working continuously, a machine called Perseverance is also making regular oxygen on Mars. Like Earth, Mars is also in motion when they are close, so there are about five and a half million miles between them. There is a distance of kilometers. The fastest space vehicle with NASA, ,, takes about 9 months and 2 weeks to cover this distance. Now this is a big challenge for NASA, which astronomer should we send to Mars? And even if we send someone there, how long will he be there?

The most corrupt country was the country of Lut (harmony arrive), they were keen on men with the exception of ladies

 The most corrupt country was the country of Lut (harmony arrive), they were keen on men with the exception of ladies Particularly on the off chance that there was an attractive kid among the travelers, these individuals would make him their casualty, it is written in the Commentary That individuals of Sodom were horrible, underhanded, and malicious in their day to day routines No explorer could a securely go through their area No needy individual could get a slice of bread from their settlements. Ordinarily it happened that an outcast would pass on from hunger in the wake of arriving at their domain and these individuals would remove his garments and cover his body stripped. He made his valley a nursery . In this nursery, whose chain was reached out for a significant distance, he used to commit revelry with the greatest possible level of lustfulness. Hazrat Lut (harmony arrive) welcomed them to monotheism and requested them to atone from this egregious demonstration of devilishness. H

Fake belly will be another innovation with the assistance of which children will be made in the lab in the following decade.

 Fake belly will be another innovation with the assistance of which children will be made in the lab in the following decade.

## The Ectolife Discussion: An Exciting modern lifestyle or Selective breeding Bad dream?

 ## The Ectolife Discussion: An Exciting modern lifestyle or Selective breeding Bad dream? The idea of "Ectolife," an innovation that considers the production of youngsters in a lab climate, is both captivating and disrupting. While the possibility of a world liberated from the actual limits of pregnancy and labor is charming, the moral ramifications raise serious worries. **The Commitment of Ectolife** The situation you depict portrays an exceptionally progressed framework. Here is a breakdown of its expected advantages: * **Wiping out Pregnancy Risks:** Ectolife could alter family arranging, especially for people or couples with fruitfulness issues or wellbeing gambles related with pregnancy. * **Fashioner Babies:** The capacity to pick specific actual characteristics brings up complex issues. While pre-choosing for crippling infections is a positive step, picking eye tone or level endeavors into selective breeding. * **Persistent Monitoring:** Ongoing checking of the foste

Maulana has not changed. Circumstances have changed.

 Maulana has not changed. Circumstances have changed.  When the situation changes, the thoughts and emotions also change, the priorities also change, it is not called the change of principles and ideas.  "Prior you called Imran Khan a Jewish campaign, presently political contrasts are finishing, so will he come to the Muslim campaign in the future?" This question also actually belongs to the same lobby which deals with lobbying, launching and blackmailing on the political arena. Who created Imran Khan along with his external masters. Then launched him at the right time. Then when he wanted to take him down, he flew away and along with that the consciousness of this lobby also flew away.  Maulana's role in getting Imran out is clear.  It was Shatir Labi's idea and dream that Maulana would always fight with Imran Khan And he will play his new game comfortably.  Even after being out of the system, Imran Khan will remain a target.  And the real character playing with the

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