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*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

A few favored propensities for the Prophet

In the illumination of science


"01". *"getting up promptly in the morning"*


The Dispatch of Allah (concordance and gifts of Allah show up) used to get up speedily in the initial segment of the day, yet there is no custom that he (congruity and favors of Allah show up) anytime performed Tahajjud.


☜ A couple of minutes before daybreak and up to an hour after first light is the time well off in oxygen.


☜ Today, in light of logical exploration, is the best time in 24 hours as far as wellbeing, in which you get the potential chance to take most extreme oxygen, which is an exceptionally helpful cycle for your sound life.


"02". "Eye knead."


Ensuing to arousing from rest in the initial segment of the day, the Dispatch of Allah (concordance and gifts of Allah show up) used to manipulate his eyes.


☜ The whole arrangement of the body comprises of eleven frameworks.


☜ It requires 11 to 12 minutes for the framework to recuperate subsequent to awakening from rest.


☜ Assuming you knead the eyes, this framework quickly recuperates within 10 to 15 seconds.


"03." *"Stay in bed for a while."*


Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, used to sit for quite a while ensuing to getting up from bed and used to examine Surah Ikhlas on numerous occasions. That expects around 1 second to examine.


☜ Today, clinical science lets us know that there is a slim in our cerebrum that shapes an extension for blood, starting with one section and then onto the next.


☜ Along these lines, the blood supply to our whole mind is reestablished through this scaffold, from where every one of our nerves, for example, the entire body, must be controlled.


☜ In the event that an individual gets up in the first part of the day and strolls out of nowhere, while the blood supply to the mind has not yet been reestablished, then this individual might have a frontal cortex channel here, or he could encounter the evil impacts of a couple of other complex issues of the brain in which it moreover consolidates surprising loss of movement of a couple of bits of the body (loss of movement).


☜ Though in the event that he simply sits briefly to reestablish the blood supply to his mind, numerous complicated issues can be kept away from.


☜ It is a normal science, and behind this favored hadith there is research by numerous teachers and specialists, in which even non-Muslim scientists have concurred that we ought to remain on the bed for some time subsequent to raising the finger as per this Sunnah of Muhammad ﷺ. Ought to.


☜ Its benefit is that the psyche turns out to be completely dynamic and ready to direct our body completely.


In this favored Sunnah, where it is an incredible boss and prize, there is likewise an extraordinary mystery of wellbeing.


"4". *"to squeal"*


It was a respected penchant for the Prophet (concordance and favors of Allah show up) that he used to rest for an hour (20 to 25 minutes) after lunch.


☜ The benefit is that in around 68% of individuals, their stomach delivers a limited quantity of liquor when they have lunch.


☜ In such a case, in the event that an individual is strolling, he might tumble down because of dazedness, or he might have a headache-like condition.


☜ For this reason, you generally feel a little weighty after lunch.


☜ In the event that we rest for some time, the liquor-actuated headache won't apply a lot of tension to the brain, and it will be more dynamic for body capabilities, and we will actually want to stay away from any sort of mishap.


☜ Aside from this, there is a feeling of dread toward numerous medical conditions in the event that this Sunnah isn't followed.


☜ As this has been demonstrated by research today, most nations all over the planet take a midday break from 1 to 2 or 3 o'clock so that individuals can have a rest after lunch.


☜ Today, the whole of Europe is basically embracing the Sunnah of the Dispatch of Allah, concordance and gifts of Allah show up, and there is a break from 1 pm to 3 pm in the whole of Europe. They investigated and embraced the Sunnah of the Dispatch of Allah (amicability and favors of Allah show up) and have a lot of favored prosperity rules over us.       

                                                                                                                                                            "5". *"Command to drink normal items before eating."*


The Dispatch of Allah (PBUH) used to drink regular items before eating


☜ Different natural items contain 90 to by far most of water since the Prophet (concordance and gifts of Allah show up) refused savoring water the wake of eating while simultaneously enabling to hydrate preceding eating.


☜ Hence, since various natural products likewise contain a ton of water, eating them prior to eating gives energy to the body, particularly the stomach and digestive organs.


☜ Since the stomach and digestive organs play a vital part in processing food, this cycle is useful for them in expanding their exhibition. In addition, this is in like manner exhibited by coherent discernments. The corrosiveness in the natural product is more advantageous while starving.


"6." *"Do not hydrate after food."*


The Dispatch of Allah (agreement and gifts of Allah show up) never hydrated, ensuing to eating.


☜ The things that have risen up out of science and assessment today show that there are such innumerable hindrances to not following this inclined toward Sunnah that it couldn't really be imagined.


☜ At the point when we hydrate in the wake of eating, anything that fats are in the food, they emerge from the food and come to the upper piece of the stomach.


☜ The remainder of the food goes to the small digestive system for the second phase of processing, and in this way the fat and protein left in the stomach produce extremely destructive gases in the stomach while blending every one of them in with the food in the following phase of the stomach-related framework. needed to go If we hydrate or eat natural products, they stay in the stomach to destroy our wellbeing.


☜ A hadith of the Courier of Allah (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) intends that in the event that you want water subsequent to eating, simply take a couple of tastes and eat a chomp of bread.


☜ There is a Japanese examination that by drinking water after a dinner, the fats that were coming up and you ate the following chomp, the most common way of coming up of fats stops there; however, they become part of the eating routine once more.


☜ That is the reason you ought to never hydrate in the wake of eating food since it not only goals gases, causticity, and acid reflux in the stomach, but numerous heart illnesses are additionally connected with not following this favored Sunnah.                                                           

                                                                                                                                                            "7". *"ablution"*


☜ We perform bathing no less than five times each day for the five mandatory supplications, since there is no request without bathing and there is no bathing without washing the mouth, nose, hands, arms, head, and feet. That is, five times each day we wash this multitude of parts of the body.


☜ In bathing, we wash every one of the outer pieces of the body that are covered with soil and carbon.


☜ Today, that's what logical perceptions demonstrate: assuming the pieces of the body are covered with soil or carbon, on the off chance that they are not cleaned and they stay on that piece of the body from now onward, indefinitely quite a while, the association between these parts and the mind would be debilitated. Is. That is, the sensory system of the body becomes feeble.


☜ Since they are continually making an impression on the brain that something has come on the body and it ought to be cleaned.


☜ On the off chance that an individual cleans up in the first part of the day and comes and washes it at night, the association between his organs and cerebrum becomes frail, because of which he might experience the ill effects of numerous neurological issues later.


☜ Islam restricts cleaning your body parts something like multiple times every day and on Fridays, complete cleaning including managing pointless hair of nails, pubic district, and armpits; as such, a Friday shower is obligatory for every Muslim. .


☜ Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, has mentioned to do this, yet it is in like manner a piece of his leaned toward Sunnah.


"8" *"Early Sleep"*


Another regarded penchant for the Prophet (concordance and blessings of Allah show up) was that he used to raise a ruckus around town exactly on schedule around night time.Ly he would nod off following Isha's supplication. That is, hitting the sack right on time around evening time and starting off promptly toward the beginning of the day was remembered for his everyday practice.


☜ Our organic clock that manages our whole body framework, when it sees obscurity outside, makes a motion to your body to rest. Should rest.


☜ Note that Maghrib and Isha petitions to heaven have practically a similar length.


☜ Its benefit is that a specialist awakens inside your body under the organic watch that does the support of your whole body. In the event that there is an injury, he will fix it. Assuming there is a troublesome thing in the liver or some other organ, it will deal with it.


☜ Rather, in the wake of resting, the liver is the main thing to chip away at, and for the people who are liver patients, there is likewise this assessment, where they are treating themselves; they ought to further develop their rest framework and counsel their body specialist. Allow the treatment an opportunity and afterward see the outcomes.


☜ From 10 pm to 12 pm, the support of the liver and its encompassing organs happens, and from that point forward, the upkeep of the entire body steadily happens, and this cycle is finished consistently.


☜ Allah All-powerful has set a programmed framework in your body, and this framework works just when you embrace the propensity for resting early.


☜ In the period of obliviousness, there was a custom among the Bedouins that after supper, they used to have social occasions of verse and accounts of Dev Malai, which went on until two o'clock in the evening, and in this climate, the Prophet's (tranquility arrive) hitting the sack right on time around evening time was likewise viewed as an It was a sketchy practice.


☜ It was a period of obliviousness; however, today, even among us Muslims who guarantee to be in the advanced age, keeping awake until late isn't just not considered shocking, yet somewhat, it is likewise known to be glad. The period of obliviousness has been supplanted by current web and satellite innovation.


☜ Yet, dozing early was in the daily schedule of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam on the grounds that he knew the value of inside medication, and this is the motivation behind why Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't become ill in any event, briefly in his favored life.


"9". *"brushing"*


Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was extremely partial to miswak, and particularly he used to organize it with bathing five times each day in each request.


☜ Aside from that, when he returned home, prior to going to a get-together, he used to orchestrate miswak every so often and kept the miswak extremely dear.


☜ What happens is that when we eat food, a few particles of food are most certainly left between the teeth, and an hour in the wake of eating, microorganisms are created in them.


☜ You will feel that the particles left in the teeth become delicate following two hours, and this is because of microscopic organisms.


☜ To that end, we were told to organize maswak prior to eating, subsequent to eating, prior to hitting the sack, and later. Any other way, it can likewise cause your coronary failure.


☜ Today, in America and Western nations, it is a typical practice to eat and drink without cleaning your teeth in the first part of the day, which is causing different sicknesses in them.


☜ An Australian college led an examination on 500 respiratory failure patients, where they referenced numerous different reasons; a typical explanation likewise came out that these individuals were not used to cleaning their teeth, because of which their teeth were brimming with plaque. I proceeded to duplicate such a lot that it made the courses of the heart be blocked.


☜ The primary driver of his coronary episode was his teeth, while Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam encouraged us to utilize Miswak so much that he said on one event that in the event that it was not weighty on the Ummah, I would have proclaimed Miswak compulsory on the Ummah.


☜ The present current science has demonstrated that individuals who clean their teeth all the more frequently have less outrage and are frequently more settled.


☜ An individual who is extremely irate, whose pulse is much of the time high, is fretful about his wellbeing, so he ought to do more maswak in a few months, and he will track down its astonishing and marvelous impacts.


"10" *"Two Diets in a Week"*


Fasting on Mondays and Thursdays was in like manner associated with the day-to-day practice of Rasulullah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, and he encouraged them to see these diets. That is, two days every week.


☜ It is the honored saying of the Courier of Allah, harmony arrive, that a Muslim eats food in one digestive system, while a skeptic eats food in three digestive tracts. What's more, prompt us that when you feel exceptionally eager, eat food and leave it assuming you are as yet ravenous.


Saying * This cycle in present-day clinical language today. "Autophagia" is called "autophagia.*


☜ This is the incredible mystery of keeping the human body sound.


☜ What happens is that when we eat more food than we typically need, additional proteins and fats are amassed in the body, which assume the part of toxin in assimilation because of abundance of the body's necessity and different sicknesses. reason for


These additional fats are the primary drivers of the present normal illnesses like sugar, cholesterol, and circulatory strain.


☜ At the point when you feel eager, the body's "hunger juices," i.e., the programmed process for processing food in the body, is completely evolved.


☜ If we somehow managed to eat 100 nibbles yet halted at seventy, then, at that point, the excess thirty chops that the body required, the body satisfies that need by eating these additional proteins and fats.


☜ The body continues to take out gathered poisons under its own programmed framework, and you stay solid.


☜ Presently, when there have been a few deficiencies for three days and you have abstained on Monday because of the long quick of the entire day, the course of *autophagia* gets a full and open door to be dynamic, and it fixes the inadequacy of three days. Then, at that point, the daily practice of two days and afterward fasting on Thursday.


☜ At the point when this Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) turns into a piece of your daily practice, the course of illness-making cells *autophagy* can't be joined due to being rehashed two times every week, and you stay sound for eternity.


* Today we have confidence in coherent assessment; are we believing that science will exhibit the leaning toward the Sunnah of the Dispatch of Allah, congruity and enrichments will show up, and then we will start following the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, agreement be upon him?*


The reality of the situation is that science is quite far behind the Sunnahs of the Dispatch of Allah; congruity and favors show up, and in the entire presence of the Prophet, concordance and gifts show up. The Sunnahs are a reference point for us, and in them are the triumphs and comforts of this world and the extraordinary past.


*Laqqad k<0xC7><0xA3> lak kum<0xC7> in the Courier of God


(O Muslims!) There is a magnificent model for you in the existence of the Courier of Allah (harmony arrives).


*Al-Ahzab. 21"*


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