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*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

A total history of the Ottoman Domain in one post

A total history of the Ottoman Domain in one post


Rise (1299 Promotion - 1453 Advertisement)


Extension (1453-1-1-1-11683)


Status (1683 - 1827)


Decline (1828-1-1-1-11908)


Cancelation (1908-1-1-1-11923)


Time of Rising


In the late thirteenth century, the Seljuk Domain fell, fell, fell, fell, and Anatolia was isolated into different, different, different, more modest states. One of them was the province of Soghut; the organizer behind this state and the head of the clan was Ertugrul. After Ertugrul's passing in 1281, his child Osman I was made the boss. It was Osman I who was the pioneer behind the Ottoman Domain. In 1299 he pronounced a normal state.


Osman I extended the boundaries of this little realm to the lines of the Byzantine Domain and moved the money to Burusa after the victory. Osman I is exceptionally respected among the Turks. He had exceptionally superior calibers, truth be told. Alongside the mujahid of the day and the admirer of the evening, he was likewise an extremely delicate, straightforward, cordial, liberal, liberal, liberal, liberal, and caring individual. His rule prompted the fortifying of the groundworks of the Ottoman Domain. It was the strong groundwork laid by Osman I that, that, that, that, that, in something like something like alike alike a like a hundred years of his demise, the Ottoman Realm had extended toward the eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans. 

Extension period

This period throughout the entire existence of the Ottoman Domain can be isolated into two unmistakable periods:


1. Extension and pinnacle point 2. Uprisings and restorations


Extension_and_point_of_aruj (1453 Promotion to 1556 Advertisement)


The success of Constantinople in 1453 established the groundwork for the development of the Ottoman Domain as a significant power in southeastern Europe and the eastern Mediterranean, and by 1566 started an extensive stretch of victories in Europe, the Middle Middle East, and North Africa. These triumphs were because of the all-around focused and current military power of the military, wherein the utilization of explosives and a solid naval force assumed a vital part. The main job in the economy of the state was exchange since all land and ocean shipping lanes among Europe and Asia went through the Ottoman Domain. Consistently, other extraordinary rulers assumed a significant part in extending the boundaries of the domain, in which the name of Salim I sticks out, who zeroed in on the east and south and crushed Shah Ismail Safavi of the Safavid Realm in the Clash of Chaldaran, and the Ottoman government in Egypt. laid out. out. out. out.. Suleiman the Glorious (1520-1566), the replacement of Selim, extended the realm in the west, west, west, and west, and after the victory of Belgrade in 1521, he crushed the Ottomans in Hungary and other focalfocalfocal European locales through the Clash of Mohacs in 1526. From that point forward, they blockaded Vienna in 1529, yet because of the chilly climate and solid obstruction of the city's occupants, this attack fizzled; hence, the Ottoman tempest waves hit the stopping points of Vienna and returned, and the boundaries of the Ottoman Domain were in Focal Europe.I can never go past this city. During Suleiman's rule, Transylvania, Aflaq, and Moldova became vassals of the Ottoman Empire. Empire. Empire. Empire. In the east, the Ottomans recovered Baghdad from Iran and acquired maritime access to the Persian Bay by catching Mesopotamia.


During the rules of Selim and Suleiman, the Ottoman Naval Force Force turned into the best maritime power on the planet, overcoming the vast majority of the Mediterranean. The main job in these triumphs was the Ottoman Amir al-Bahr Khair al-Commotion Pasha Barbarossa, who accomplished numerous brilliant military triumphs during the rule of Suleiman. In which the triumphs of Tunisia and Algeria against Spain and the protected exchange of Muslims and Jews to the Ottoman land after the fall of Granada and the triumph of Decent against the Sacred Roman Realm in 1543 are important. In the sixteenth century, the developing force of Western European powers, particularly the Portuguese, in the Persian Bay and the Indian Sea made difficult issues for the Ottoman Naval force. With the Ottomans shutting the courses toward the east and south, European powers started to look for new courses in Asia. Asia. Also, I found new courses in India and China. Endlessly revolts (1556 to 1684)


Sulaiman's passing in 1566 denoted the start of the finish of local victories. The rise of the Western European domains as maritime powers and the disclosure of elective courses from Europe to Asia and the "New World" (the Americas) seriously harmed the Ottoman economy. At such a crucial time when the Ottoman Domain required edified rulers, sadly it needed to get through a significant stretch of clumsy rulers, rulers, rulers, rulers, rulers, which genuinely harmed the realm on the inside and military fronts. Regardless of this multitude of challenges, the successes of the realm went on until the Skirmish of Vienna in 1683, yet after this conflict, the extension of the domain in Europe finished totally. Notwithstanding the revelation of new shipping lanes by Western Europe, the deluge of enormous amounts of silver from the "New World" into Spain prompted a quick degrading of the Ottoman money. During the rule of Salim Sani, state state head Mohammad Pasha Sokolli introduced plans for the development of the Suez Waterway and the Wear Volga Trench to balance out the economy; however, they couldn't be carried out.


During a similar period, Catholic powers in southern Europe, Europe, Europe, driven Europe, Europe, driven by Philip II of Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, Spain, contrived to subvert Ottoman maritime power in the Mediterranean. Rout at the Skirmish of Lepanto in 1571 prompted the quick finish of the Realm's matchless quality in the Mediterranean. In this manner, numerous students of history have depicted the loss in the Skirmish of Lepanto as an indication of the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Empire. Empire. Empire. In this manner, the brilliant period of successes and accomplishments reached a conclusion toward the sixteenth century's end.


There are a few purposes behind the Ottomans'' victories in a particular area. One is the limit because of geological elements in old times, because of which the Ottoman armed force didn't go past Vienna during the conflict season from late winter to late fall. Other reasons were reasons were reasons were remembered at the same time. time: time:time: battling two distinct adversaries for the two sides of the line (Austria in Europe and the Safavid leaders of Iran in Asia). Also, the savvy person, mental and military stagnation fixed the decay of the Ottomans, on the grounds that militarily the utilization of present-day weapons was the justification behind huge scope and quick victories, and the developing generalizations of the strict and scholarly class forestalled the advanced military of Europeans. Left the Ottomans a long way behind with regards to innovation. The Janissaries, from whom every one of the armed forces of Europe shuddered, became careless and caused the destruction of the state by meddling in the political issues of the country. Murad IV (1612 to 1640), who took Yerevan (1635) and Baghdad (1639) from the Safavids, was the main leader of this period who fortified the realm strategically and militarily. Murad IV was the last ruler ruler ruler ruler to lead the military himself. In the late sixteenth and mid-17th centuries, the Jalali Revolt (1519-1610) and the Janissary Revolt (1622) advanced far and wide wilderness and mobs in Anatolia and prompted the breakdown of a few legislatures. Consequently, the seventeenth century was 100 years of stagnation and decline for the Ottomans. In the period from 1530 to 1660, the mediation and impact of the collection of mistresses in homegrown undertakings can't be disregarded, in which the moms of the youthful king assumed the main part.The prominent prominent The prominent The prominent ladies of this period incorporate Khuram Ruler, Qasim Ruler, Torkhan Khadij, Khadij, and others. #Away with stagnation


During the time of stagnation, numerous regions of the Balkans went under the control of Austria. A few districts of the state, like Egypt and Algeria, turned out to be completely free and, in the end, went under the control of the English and French domains. During the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, a few conflicts were likewise battled among Russia and the Ottoman Domain, known as the Russo-Turkic Conflicts. During the rule of Abd al-Hamid I, subsequent to experiencing disagreements with Russia, the deal between the Realm and Russia was broken, because of which the region of Crimea was taken over by Russia. This extensive stretch of stagnation of the Ottomans has likewise been depicted by history specialists as the time of bombed changes.




History specialists additionally call the downfall of the Ottoman Domain an advanced time. During this period, the realm was crushed on all fronts, and its lines kept on contracting. Regardless of the changes, the disappointment of the focal government prompted managerial precariousness.


1. The ascent of patriotism


During the nineteenth century, patriotism thrived in numerous nations, including the Ottoman Empire. Empire. The scourge of ethnic patriotism was the most significant of the Western thoughts that entered the Ottoman Domain during this period. During this time, numerous progressive ideological groups additionally appeared. While there were numerous different explanations behind the developing weakening in the express, the spread of patriotism is one of the main explanations behind the decay. During this period, Greece acquired freedom in 1892, and the changes couldn't stop the patriotism in the Danube territories, and the semi-independent districts of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Wallachia, and Moldova likewise acquired autonomy from the domain in 1875. pronounced, and after the Russo-Turkish Conflict of 1877, Serbia, Romania, and Montenegros were allowed conventional opportunity, and Bulgaria was conceded independence; however, the remainder of the Balkan states stayed under Ottoman rule. During this time of decline, Yehuda Solman al-Kalai, a Jew from Serbia, proposed the re-visitation of Zion and the freedom of Israel.


2. Changes


A progression of sacred changes was presented during the System time frame (1839 to 1876), bringing about a generally current armed force, banking changes, and the foundation of current plants. In 1856, through Humayun's letter, it was reported to give equivalent status to every Ottoman resident, paying little heed to race and religion. Extraordinary freedoms were additionally allowed to the Christian minorities; for example, the Armenian Public Constitution was endorsed under the 150-article code of regulations gathered by Armenian educated people in 1863. The main thing of this time of changes was the constitution, which was composed by the youthful Osman and was ordered on 23 November 1876. Through it, the opportunity of articulation and fairness under the law were conceded to all residents.


3. First Protected Period


The main sacred time of the domain (Ottoman Turkish: <0xDA> <0x01> <0x01>) was fleeting; however, the subsequent hypothesis, as per a reformist gathering of youthful Ottomans taught in Western colleges, was that a protected government would develop as a state. Can tackle issues. In 1876, Ruler Abdul Aziz (1861-1876) relinquished for Murad V through the tactical high position. Murad V was intellectually impeded and was eliminated from office within a couple of months. His potential replacement Abdul Hamid II (1876–1909) was welcome to assume control over the government, relying on the prerequisite that he would perceive the protected government, which he did on November 23, 1876. Yet, the parliament endured just two years and was suspended by the ruler, who was subsequently forced to call the parliament. Nonetheless, the effect of the constitution was decreased to an impressive degree. During this period, the domain confronted serious dangers concerning its protection against outside hostility and occupation. In 1798, France involved Egypt. After the loss in the Russo-Turkish Conflict of 1877, Cyprus must be given over to Extraordinary England in 1878 as a compensation for its help in the Berlin Congress. The realm couldn't take care of its own concerns and needed to tackle its concerns through the mediation and collusion of different European nations, for instance the Crimean Battle, in which the Ottomans aligned with England and France against Russia. Despite the fact that he was known as the "debilitated man of Europe" during this period, the realm's financial troubles were not because of its flourishing economy but because of the social hole that isolated it from the European powers. Financial issues were because of the inability to manage issues like outer colonialism and arising interior patriotism.


End of the Ottoman Empire. The Second Protected Period (Ottoman Turkish: Ik<0xC4><0xB1>nçi Kond<0xC4><0xB1>t Düri) finished with the last disintegration of the Ottoman Domain. In this period, the governmental issues of Solidarity and Advancement Jamaat and the development that prompted the Adolescent Turk (Turkish: Jon Turkler) are the most conspicuous. The Youthful Turk Transformation started on July 3, 1908, and soon the development spread all through the domain, and thus, the King needed to declare the reclamation of the 1876 constitution and bring the parliament. During the sacred period, the counter-lofty position of 1909 and the occasion of Walk 31 counter-upset reached a conclusion, with which the rule of King Abdul Hamid II was finished and he was banished and supplanted by his sibling Muhammad V. Was situated.


1. External Front


Exploiting what is going on of the Ottoman Domain during the Youthful Turk Transformation, Austria-Hungary authoritatively added involved Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1908. Austria-Hungary involved it after the Russo-Turkish Conflict of 1877 and the Congress of Berlin (1878). During the Italian-Turkish conflicts, the Balkan Association, comprising Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, and Bulgaria, proclaimed battle against the Ottoman Domain, because of which the Ottoman Realm confronted the Balkan War (1912–1913) and was given control of the Balkan Promontory. Numerous regions must be washed away. The conflicts in Libya and the Balkans were the primary significant trial of solidarity and advancement. In the Italian-Turkish conflicts, the realm likewise needed to lose Libya. It was the main conflict where planes were additionally involved in the war zone without precedent for the world. The Balkan states laid out toward the end of the nineteenth century were likewise anxious to obtain extra regions from the Ottoman areas of Albania, Macedonia, and Thrace (Tarakia) on ethnic and public lines. At first, arrangements were reached among Serbia and Bulgaria in Walk 1912 and among Greece and Bulgaria in May 1912, in which Russia assumed the part of go between. The Serb-Bulgarian Settlement required the segment of Macedonia, which turned into the primary driver of the Main Balkan War. The primary driver of the episode of the subsequent Balkan War was the debate between the previous Balkan partners over the circulation of the recently gained regions, which the Ottoman Realm made the most of and reconquered numerous domains in Thrace. The political outcomes of the Balkan War prompted the lofty position of 1913 and the standard of three pashas.


2. The Second Great War


German control of the Baghdad Rail route was a significant wellspring of global pressure in the Second Great War. The Ottoman Domain partook in the Center Eastern Field of the Second Great War because of the Turkish-German collusion. The Ottomans won two significant triumphs in the beginning phases of the conflict, the Clash of Gallipoli and the Attack of Kut; however, they experienced a few difficulties, for example, the sad Caucasus Mission against Russia. The Russian Upset of 1917 offered the Ottomans a chance to wash away the scars of war and recover a lost area, and Ottoman powers prevailed with regards to catching Azerbaijan in the last phases of the conflict; however, they lost these triumphs toward the end of the incomparable conflict. A questionable and critical occasion in the contention was the supposed slaughter and removal of a huge number of Armenians by Turkish specialists, Ottoman powers, and Kurdish contenders in Van territory, and the Armenian protection from it. A focal Armenian obstruction bunch declared the foundation of a free temporary government in May 1915, which the Ottomans saw as an endeavor to help Russian powers attack eastern Anatolia. Toward the end of 1917, the Armenian Progressive Organization had laid out the Republic of Armenia, which was comprised of overcomers of the Armenian Destruction. It ought to be noticed that the Turkish government doesn't trust in that frame of mind of Armenians. For additional subtleties, see Armenian Slaughter. The two principal purposes behind the loss of the Ottomans in the Second Great War were assaults on key focuses by English powers under the order of Edmund Allenby and the Bedouin revolt. Among them, the Bedouin Revolt is viewed as the primary driver of the loss of the Ottoman Domain. These missions of Bedouin defiance began with the Skirmish of Makkah in June 1916 by Sharif Makkah Hussain with the assistance of England and finished in Damascus. Fakhri Pasha, the Ottoman leader of Medina, set up major areas of strength for an attack on Medina for more than two years.


3. Appropriation


Because of the incomparable conflict, the most common way of parceling the Ottoman domain started on October 30, 1918, 13 days after the catch of Constantinople, through the Settlement of Madras. Furthermore, later, through the Arrangement of Sèvres, the Ottoman successes in the Center East were surrendered to England and France, while the Mediterranean waterfront regions were given to Italy, the Turkish Aegean coast to Greece, and the Bosphorus Waterway and the Ocean of Marmara as global domains to the Partnered Powers. were given over to At a similar time, by extending the Republic of Armenia in Eastern Anatolia, Wilsonian Armenia was shaped, which was the old country of the Armenians, yet later Turks and Kurds likewise got comfortable in these regions. Incredible England made a mysterious settlement with France called Sycos-Picot to partition the Center East. The control of Istanbul and Izmir prompted the foundation of Turkish public development and the start of the Conflict of Autonomy under the initiative of Mustafa Kemal Pasha. 

also, the underpinning of the Republic of Turkey.

4. End


On April 23, 1920, the Turkish Public Development Drive by Mustafa Kemal declared the foundation of the "Majlis Kabir Milli" (Turkish: Beyuk Millat Majlisi) in Ankara, which would not perceive the Ottoman rule in Istanbul and the unfamiliar control of Turkey. done.    The Turkish progressives drove the Greek, Italian, and French powers out of Anatolia through individuals' military. The Republic of Armenia likewise recovered domains that had been surrendered to the Republic of Armenia because of the Settlement of Sevres and turned into a danger to English powers involving the Waterways. At long last, the Turkish progressives caught the Waterways and Istanbul and declared the finish of the Ottoman Domain on November 1, 1922. The last Ruler Muhammad VI Vahiduddin (1861–1926) left the country on November 17, 1922, and the Turkish Republic was formally acknowledged on July 24, 1923, under the Arrangement of Lausanne. A couple of months after the fact, on Wa


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