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*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

πŸ₯—πŸ₯™πŸ₯—πŸ₯™πŸ₯— ▪ * Afflictions achieved by nonappearance of supplements * ▪

 πŸ₯—πŸ₯™πŸ₯—πŸ₯™πŸ₯— ▪ * Afflictions achieved by nonappearance of supplements * ▪


There are many explanations behind infection, one of which is absence of supplement.


Make certain to involve such things in your eating regimen that can meet your everyday nutrient prerequisites.

Lack of nutrients can cause these infections. ?πŸ‘‡


❤ *Shortcoming of heart*❤

The justification for the shortcoming of the heart is the absence of vitamin B, E, and some vitamin D. To fortify the heart, use food sources plentiful in vitamin B, E, and D, like yogurt, cheddar, porridge, organic products, and so forth. Can be tied forward.


❄ *Indigestion*❄

Lack of vitamin B influences the capacity of the digestive tracts to contract. To stay away from this, utilize food sources plentiful in vitamin B like wheat porridge, natural product curds, kale, and so on. Yet, recall that whatever the food, abstain from eating excessively.


πŸŽ— * Turned into a boil pimple * πŸŽ—

These illnesses are brought about by a lack of vitamin A and C. To dispose of them, eat meat, milk, cheddar, and citrus organic products so the body can get vitamin A and C and dispose of the multitude of pimples that show up in the body.


▪ *Paralysis*▪

Lack of vitamin B can cause loss of motion. For this, utilize occasional organic products, vegetables, grains, beans, greens, and so on. These food sources make veins and corridors solid.

which strength is made in the body parts and this illness can be forestalled.


🌿 *Mental anxiety*🌿

Lack of vitamin B is the primary driver of this illness, so to stay away from mental issues, use vitamin B food varieties specifically. Because of the absence of this nutrient, there is an anxious shortcoming, and it adversely affects the brain.


❄ *Diabetes*❄

Amnesia and diabetes happen on account of a lack of vitamin B and RD. Albeit these two are various illnesses, aside from the hereditary reason, the absence of nutrients plays a vital and frequently key role in them.


▪ *Constipation*▪

The issue of obstruction is additionally because of the absence of vitamin B and C.

For this situation, the digestive organs don't have the solidarity to contract, because of which waste isn't discharged. Lack of these nutrients additionally causes heart musicality issues, liver issues, chest illnesses, asthma, and so forth.

Consume vegetables, pineapple, and wholemeal bread to keep away from this excruciating sickness.


πŸŽ— * Issues of teeth and bones:* πŸŽ—

The primary driver of these issues is a lack of vitamin D. It is important to utilize each food that gives the most extreme vitamin D in the body so that bones, including teeth, can be fortified. Vitamin D can likewise be acquired from daylight. *Best natural product for heat and sugar.*


What is the other name of the summer natural product Jamun? Do you know its benefits?


A late spring gift jam that was accessible for an extremely brief timeframe, however, its convenience can't be overlooked.


Jamon, otherwise called blackberry, is an incredible wellspring of L-ascorbic acid, which diminishes nervousness, standardizes circulatory strain, and helps with diabetes.


Both the sweet potato and its seed are helpful. This organic product contains numerous supplements like water, protein, sugars, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, L-ascorbic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, and vitamin A. Because of which they are helpful in different sicknesses.



Jamon is wealthy in cell reinforcements, which enable the body to battle malignant growth. For that reason, it is referred to by the Greeks as a disease-battling spice.



Jamon fills in as a characteristic medication for individuals experiencing diabetes. Eating it assists in controlling diabetes side effects with enjoying unnecessary pee and thirst constantly. Saffron is definitely a bit expensive, but its regular use can save doctors fees and expensive medicines. 


Regular consumption of saffron prevents many diseases

πŸ‘ˆ lowers cholesterol,

πŸ‘ˆ Reduces blood sugar levels

It is the best thing for depression patients. 

πŸ‘ˆ Improves vision. 

πŸ‘ˆ Reduces the risk of heart attack

It is very useful for respiratory patients.

πŸ‘ˆ Saffron is the best medicine for the elderly who complain of not being able to sleep. 

πŸ‘ˆ Best for refreshing and whitening/cleansing skin. 

It is a wonderful thing for married couples. 

Regular use improves sex timing. 


How to use

Make a habit of mixing 5 to 7 leaves with honey in a glass of lukewarm water (or milk) before going to bed. 


A plus quality with free home delivery. If there is any discrepancy or the item does not meet the specified standard, you can send back the used item and receive the full price. Even though you have not used half of the thing, *simple home remedies*


* * * For lower leg pain,*

Take a spoonful of fine powder of white greenery and blend it in a cup of curd and eat it once in 24 hours. This will fix joint torment and lack of calcium.

* *▪Weight of nature,*

On the off chance that drinking any sort of milkshake encourages you, add a couple of grains of asparagus to the milkshake.

* * * * For Gas*

To dispose of heartburn and gas grievances, grind celery and blend it in with a portion of how much dark salt, and eat a portion of a spoon after dinners.

* * * For the stomach,*

Separate the juice of two crude apples and place the mixture of a couple of breads in it. Stomach patients ought to eat this bread consistently.

Oral rankles

Put one teaspoon of kelp in two glasses of water, bubble it, and splash with this water; the rankles will vanish.

* * * For itching,*

Heat coconut oil and add camphor to it. At the point when the camphor breaks down in the oil, apply it to the irritated region.

* * * For retching and nausea,*

Bite an enormous cardamom and hydrate.

* * * * For colds*. Blend three tablespoons of crushed apple vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in some warm water and drink it.

* * * For sneezing, 

In the event that you are wheezing a great deal, swallow green coriander.

The nose ought to be shut.

Bubble neem leaves in a bowl. Add salt to it and wash your nose. A shut nose will open.

* Rose water:* The most ideal decision for face and skin health management!


Rose blossoms have extremely gorgeous ideas related to them; they have forever been related to magnificence and excellence. The concentrate of this minimal expense, however excellent, likewise has numerous properties. Rose is exceptionally helpful for improving the face and skin. It not only adds to the engaging quality of the face, yet in addition makes it solid. Try to remember rose water for your excellence routine, and you will get many advantages.


*For puffy eyes:*

Subsequent to getting up in the first part of the day, some of the time the eyes feel enlarged. The explanations behind this can be absence of water in the body, mental pressure, and utilization of fiery food. In the event that you get up in the first part of the day and your eyes feel enlarged, drench cotton pieces in rose water and keep them on your eyes. This interaction likewise expands the excellence of the eyes.


*For skin cleansing:*

Absorbing cotton rose water and cleaning the face cleans the soil and pollutants on the skin. It is additionally magnificent sterile, which makes the face delicate and flexible, making it perfect and gleaming.


*For sleek skin:*

Rose water can likewise be utilized to make face packs. Break up besan in rose water, apply it to the face, and wash off when dry. This face pack is valuable for those with sleek skin. Prior to hitting the sack around evening time, blend rose water in with multani mud and apply it all over. It cleans the sebum, cools the face, and makes the face sparkle. Assuming the skin is dry, aloe vera kajel blended in with rose water can be utilized.


*For dry skin:*

Rose water is best for keeping the skin saturated. Splashing rose water at ordinary intervals to keep up with the dampness of the skin makes the dry skin delicate and flexible.


*As Toner:*

Rose water can likewise be utilized as a toner. Blend an equivalent measure of milk in rose water and apply it to all fours with a cotton ball. By this cycle, the skin variety stays even, and the imprints and dim spots are taken out of the skin.


*For facial blemishes:*

Blend cucumber, ground sandalwood, and rose water in yogurt and apply as a veil to eliminate facial spots and kinks. Aside from spots and kinks, it likewise eliminates nail skin breakouts and injury marks.


*For Hair:*

Hair frequently feels dry subsequent to shampooing. On the off chance that rose water is applied to the hair roots subsequent to washing the hair, the hair will be safeguarded from dryness. Rose water functions as a fantastic conditioner and furthermore kills the microorganisms that cause dandruff on the scalp.


*As a face wash:*

Adding rose water to the face wash builds the adequacy of the face wash. Nutrients B3, C, D, and E present in it keep up with the newness of the face.


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