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*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

The Shariah status of oral sex *.

The Shariah status of oral sex *.                               

The Shariah status of oral sex *.

                                                                   Oral sex of a couple implies performing sexual demonstrations through the mouth or sucking and licking the private parts (vulva) in the mouth. It is called oral sex. Indeed, even this terrible and abominable propensity has become well known. The Blessed Prophet (harmony arrive) said that Muslims will follow the Jews and Christians so that assuming they enter the grave, the Muslims will likewise follow them. Will go. Today I'm recollecting that hadith without question, that the religion of Islam showed us soil and misguidance and removed and requested virtue and immaculateness, and today Muslims are again forsaking immaculateness and going to soil and foulness, while our religion of Islam is extremely spotless and unadulterated.


Oral sex is not welcome in Sharia, and doing not passable in Islamic Sharia is as well!


Since Allah, the Ruler of the universes, in the Qur'an, Furqan Hameed, has portrayed spouses as farming for men and requested them to safeguard their reproductive organs. That they shouldn't utilize their reproductive organs aside from their spouses and courtesans. And afterward permitted a wide range of sex, given that sex is done exclusively through the confidential part from which the youngster is conceived.


Also, intercourse in the mouth, intercourse in the vagina, or in some other way has been announced unlawful.


There is likewise an itemized hadith in Sunan Abi Dawood in such a manner:


Sayyidna Abdullah canister Abbas (RA) says that Sayyidna Abdullah container Umar (RA) comprehended that the Ansari public were barbarians and the Jews were individuals of the Book, and the Ansari public considered the Jews better than themselves in information. The Colleagues used to follow the Jews in numerous exercises. Furthermore, it was standard among Individuals of the Book that they used to engage in sexual relations with ladies just in one way, and by that the lady was more covered up, and the Ansars additionally got this from them, and the people who were Quraysh used to have sex with ladies. They used to have sex straightforwardly and from front to back and had sex by collapsing mats, so when the migrants in MadinahWhen a Muhajir man from among them wedded an Ansari lady, he needed to have sex with her in his own particular manner, yet his significant other used to deny it and said that we just put stock in sex in one way. Do likewise or avoid me. In any event, when their undertaking was delayed and they arrived at the Prophet, may God favor him and award him harmony, Allah All-powerful uncovered this refrain:. That is, whether from the front, from behind, or resting, that is to say, from the spot with kids.


(Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 2164)


* In this hadith, obviously every one of the techniques for having sex is legitimate and addressed, given that sex is finished from where getting children is conceivable. Dabar implies stool or some other spot can't be developed, and that is just a single method of intercourse, for example, refrigerator. way, so any remaining methods of sex are ill-conceived and ought to be avoided,*


the sharia law ,	 the sharia quizlet ,	 the sharia 	, the definition of shariah,

* From this hadith, it is likewise to be perceived that, being a lady, this Sahabi didn't permit her significant other to have sex in a legitimate way until she got a fatwa from the Shari'ah. On the off chance that they are compelled to do a terrible demonstration, they ought to remember this hadith and disallow them, in light of the fact that the ShariatIt doesn't order dutifulness in taboo or fiendish deeds.


*Prior to realizing more Shariah rules about oral sex, keep some Shariah standards in front.*


🌷 The religion of Islam helps virtue and tidiness and makes it important to avoid contamination and rottenness.


According to Allah,


I look for shelter in Allah from Satan.


For the sake of Allah, the Tolerant


وَالرُّجَ Fahۡــــــــــــــــر


Furthermore, leave the grimy


[Al-Mudasir: 5]


He likewise said:


Without a doubt, Allah cherishes the contrite and the unadulterated. [Al-Baqarah: 222]


The religion of Islam urges honorable deeds and disallows contemptible and detestable deeds.


Without a doubt, Allah is respectable, and He loves honor and high ethics and aversions vices.


(Al-Hakim: 152)


* What's more, placing the confidential parts in the mouth is a contemptible and detestable thing, which the Sharia precludes.


🌷 Abu Huraira Radiyallahu Anhu portrays that the Courier of Allah, harmony and favors arrive, said: "When one of you awakens from rest around evening time, he shouldn't place his hand in that frame of mind until he has washedit multiple times, since  ,sincehe doesn'te thee foggiestt ideaeWhere hass Handdd been in ICUn theeev?,


(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 162)


(Sunan Abu Dawud, Hadith No. 103)


*The heavenly Sharia orders us to clean up multiple times prior to placing our hands in the vessel so our hands don't contact the confidential pieces of the body during the evening. The religion of Islam has prohibited contacting the confidential part with the right hand during poo. The Courier of Allah, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, says:


"Let not one of you contact his promise while he talks, and let him not wipe the void with his vow, and let him not take in the vessel." Nobody ought to hold his private parts with the right hand while peeing, nor would it be advisable for him to pee with the right hand, nor would it be advisable for him to breathe (Sahih Muslim: 267).


Since the right hand is utilized for eating and drinking and for respectable deeds, the right hand is illegal by the Shari'ah to be utilized in such disgusting deeds.


Umm al-Mu'minin Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa (RA) says:


"It was the hand of the dispatch of God; may God's solicitations and congruity show up, for his prudence and his food, and it was his right hand for his empty space and what came to pass for him.""


The right hand of the Courier of Allah (harmony and endowments of Allah arrive) was utilized for bathing and eating (such matters), and his left hand was utilized for bathing and filthy issues. (Sunan Abi Dawud: 33)


*Consider that when the right hand by which an individual maneuvers food towards his mouth is denied from messy work, contacting the confidential parts, and so on. How might it be admissible to lick with the tongue? Running against the norm, it was illegal in the first place.


🌷 [On the power of Samurah receptacle Jundab and Ali canister Abi Tali] Be thoughtful to your mouths with Suwak, for that is the method of the Qur'an.


The Sacred Prophet (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) said: Purge your mouth with the Miswak. To be sure, these are the methods of the Quran.


(Al-Albani Sahih al-Jami, 3939 Sahih)


It implies that the mouth has been instructed to be kept clean on the grounds that unadulterated words like the Qur'an dive through the mouth to the heart.


🌷 Sayyiduna Ali, may Allah be satisfied with him, while requesting miswak, portrayed the platitude of the Courier of Allah, harmony and gifts of Allah arrive, that when an individual rises up to supplicate subsequent to washing his maswak, a holy messenger remains behind him to pay attention to the Qur'an. The affection for the Sacred Qur'ancontinuesotoycarryythis holy messengerr'sadmission,until he puts hiss mouth too high  Then anything expressionof the sacred Qur'an memergess from the mouthh of thee eadmire, it goes into the stomach of the heavenly messenger. Accordingly, keep your mouth clean.


[Kitab al-Zuhd by Imam Abdullah container Al-Mubarak: 435/1, H: 1225, and Hasan's chain of transmission]


(Al-Albani, Sahih al-Turghib 215 • Hasan)


Assuming the confidential parts are contacted with a similar mouth, will the holy messengers contact them?


🌷Islam urges the eating of halal and unadulterated things and disallows fiendishness and orders to stay away from it.


Allah says:


O individuals! Eat of that which is legal and unadulterated in the earth, and don't follow the strides of Shaytaan; certainly he is your unmistakable foe. [Al-Baqarah: 168]


* By sucking and licking the confidential parts, the semen will enter the mouth of all kinds of people and afterward enter the stomach through the tongue, and it comes from eating prohibited things.


In the religion of Islam, it is prohibited to go close to things that are illegal, and it is requested to avoid such things that are not satisfactory to be halal.


The Courier of Allah, may God favor him and award him harmony, said: The halal is likewise clear and the haram is additionally clear, and there are a few far-fetched matters between the two, of which many individuals don't have any idea. So whoever got away from these dubious issues, he saved his religion and honor. What's more, the case of the person who went into questions is like that of a shepherd goat close to the taboo region. Be careful! Each administration has a few taboo regions, and the illegal areas of Allah Ta'ala are His prohibited issues.


(Sahih al-Bukhari: 52)


In Sahih Muslim (1599), this hadith is with these words: And the person who enjoyed questionable deeds entered the Haram. As such, it is mandatory to stay away from dubious undertakings, and taking part in these activities is illegal.


🌷 Hurtful and destructive things are tabooby Shariatt.


The Courier of Allah, may God favor him and award him harmony, said: There is no misfortune or mischief.


(Sunan Ibn Majah: 2340)


Whatever is finished in the core of a devotee is a transgression. Allah, the Master of the universes, says: Yet Allah has made confidence dear to you and enhanced it in your souls, and He has made doubt and rebellion tacky to you. (Those hearts are in this state.) They are the noble.


[Al-Hujarat: 7]


The Courier of Allah, harmony and gifts of Allah arrive, said: Goodness is acceptable conduct, and sin is what strikes your heart, and you could do without individuals being educated about it.


(Sahih Muslim: 2553)




In the wake of understanding these essential standards of Quran and Hadith, the holiness of oral sex becomes known. Since it is polluted whether it is a man or a lady, this is the justification for why Islam has requested to wash and clean it. Furthermore, the liquid that emerges from the man's zikr in the condition of sexual longing and furthermore from the lady's cooler, or at least, the confidential part, is called mazi. Which is both unclean and illegal. On the off chance that a man sucks or licks his significant other's genitals or puts his mouth on her, then, at that point, his mouth can't get away from this debasement. Essentially, assuming a lady enters her significant other's dhikr (penis) into her mouth and performs sucking and sexual demonstrations, she also can't get away from the man's mazi because of predominant desire; however, that mazi enters his mouth and becomes spit. It reaches out, and at times the spit arrives at the stomach in the event of gulping. What's more, this is an extremely mean and vile demonstration.


While the Islamic Shari'ah orders to avoid contamination, disallows eating and drinking what is polluted and malevolent, and orders to stay away from negative behavior patterns. No man can reject that his recognition doesn't result in a dhikr, in light of the fact that the Courier of Allah, harmony and endowments arrive, said that each man discharges a dhikr. Indeed, it is sure that somebody's discharge is more and somebody's discharge is less. Regardless, oral sex is disallowed in light of the fact that regardless of whether a man's discharge is very little, then when the notice is made in his significant other's mouth. It will enter; there is no conviction that it won't emerge; however, the overarching supposition is that it will emerge. What's more, falling into uncertainty has additionally been proclaimed haram by Sharia. Also, at times, because of the predominant desire, the spouse releases semen in the mouth of his significant other, which is considerably really nauseating.


Sharia regulation directs discarding soil, while oral sexers attempt to place soil in their mouths. Present-day clinical science has likewise demonstrated that oral sex causes the oral malignant growth-causing infection (HPV). While the Islamic Sharia disallows things and things unsafe to wellbeing and proclaims them haram. What's more, similarly, oral sex is such a detestable thing that the core of a devotee isn't happy with it, and it continues to thump in his heart. Which is obvious evidence of the transgression of this demonstration.


Everything these contentions demonstrate that oral sex is taboo.




Assuming that somebody has done such a demonstration unconsciously, he ought to just atone and look for pardon from Allah, yet there is no appeasement, etc.


* We are thankful to Allah that He has given us a perfect and unadulterated religion like Islam, and we ask that Allah All-powerful aides every one of us and permits us to stroll on the straight way, Amen.*


(What's more, Allah knows best.)


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