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Showing posts from December, 2023

*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

100 year old predictions about 2024

 100 year old predictions about 2024 A report regarding 2024 was published in the American media.  That about a hundred years ago, visionaries envisioned...  What will life be like in 2024?  In a 1924 skit titled The High Price of Living 100 Years From Now, theater actor Malcolm Faust predicted that milk would be served with a medicine dropper and an egg woman, reports the Acorn Beacon Journal.  A professor at Columbia University said in 1924, "Will some kind doctor provide us with a prescription that will ensure our existence on earth until 2024 AD?" A professor says that women will dress like men a hundred years from now.  Hollywood director DW Griffith (1875-1948) predicted that movies would lead to world peace.  Motion pictures will help usher in a new era of peace. In the year 2024, cinema will help in a big way, will be the elimination of all armed conflicts from the face of the civilized world. He wrote, "I believe that a hundred years from now, movies will have t

Someone asked Hazrat Bilal how he recognized the Holy Prophet.

 Someone asked Hazrat Bilal how he recognized the Holy Prophet.  So they told that it was a very cold day....I had a fever and the master was afraid of me.  There was a knock at the door.. The Prophet came in and asked Bilal what happened..., Bilal said, "If you ask, everyone is there, but no one does it." He cursed you sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.  Bilal said who will pay for this....  He (peace be upon him) said, "You should go to sleep and take the money you have from me...  He kept grinding a mill for an Abyssinian slave all night...  When Bilal got the money in the morning, Bilal was very impressed.  Then this love grew to such an extent that people used to call the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH).  And then the famous incident of the beloved Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ... Bilal did not give the call to prayer, it was not even morning...  Hazrat Bilal's voice was hoarse and he could not pronounce the words properly. People complain

the meaning of ablution

 This is how I understood the meaning of ablution for the first time.  •Washing of hands: O Allah, give my book of deeds in my right hand.  •Kulli Karna: O Allah, keep my tongue steadfast in telling the truth.  Nasal watering: O Allah, make my breath fragrant with the fragrance of Paradise.  • Wiping or cleaning the nose: O Allah, protect my breath from the bad smell of wounds.  Washing the mouth: O Allah, enlighten my face, on the day when faces will be darkened and brightened.  Washing both hands up to the elbows: • Right hand: Oh Allah, add me to the right hand people.  •Left hand: O Allah, save me from being among the left-handers.  Wiping of the head: O Allah, free my neck from the fire and raise me among the believers.  Washing the feet: O Allah, never let my feet stray from the straight path.  Amen. 

* The existence of Solomon's temple and the nation of Israel.*

* The existence of Solomon's temple and the nation of Israel.* The Suleimani Temple was actually a mosque or place of worship. Which was built by Hazrat Sulaiman (peace be upon him) with the jinn by the order of Allah so that people could worship it facing it or inside it. Before the construction of the Solomonic Temple, the Jews had neither the existence nor the concept of any regular temple. The Bedouin nomadic life of this nation. Their temple or temple was a tent. In this tent, a coffin was placed towards which they worshiped. According to traditions, the wood from which this coffin was made is called "Shamshad". In this holy box, the staff of Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) and the memorials of other prophets were kept. The Jews used to solve every problem and problem with the blessing of this box. During wars with different nations, they kept this box in front of the army. He would have won the victory over the enemy with the blessing of. When Hazrat Dawood (peace b

Sakina coffin

 Sakina coffin Taboot means a wooden box and Sakina means comforting things.  🔷️ Most of the commentators regarding the Sakina casket believe that it was brought down to earth from heaven along with Hazrat Adam 4. And it remained with you during the life of Adam. After Hazrat Adam 4, peace be upon him, he reached Hazrat Yaqoob 4, after Hazrat Yaqoob 4, his descendants and prophets were in the possession of Bani Israel. Musa 4 began to keep Torah Sharif and his special belongings in it.  🔸️ Surah Baqarah P2, : 248 The sign of His Kingdom is that there will come to you a coffin in which there is a chain of hearts from your Lord.  🔸️ Tafseer Rooh al-Bayan, Vol. 1, p. 386, p. 2, al-Baqarah: 248 In this holy box were the staff of Hazrat Musa 4 and his holy shoes and the turban of Hazrat Haroon 4, the ring of Hazrat Solomon 4, some pieces of the Torah tablets, some manna and salwa, in addition to the signs of the Prophets etc.  It is narrated from Imam Muhammad Baqir and Imam Jafar Sadiq
5 Important Health and Fitness Tips Health and care Health is the most valuable thing in the world for man. Its loss can cause the destruction of one's entire life. Therefore, it is recommended to take proper precautions for its survival. Here are some important health and fitness tips to make life healthy and fit.  Drinking water This varies from person to person or situation, but roughly you should drink a gallon of water per day. Most of the activities of the human body depend on water for their proper functioning. There is no right answer to how much water you need, as it depends on each person and their lifestyle - you may need to modify your fluid intake depending on how much you drink. are active, where you live, your health, and if you are pregnant. and/or breastfeeding.  Deficiency of adequate amount of water can lead to many diseases, so it is recommended to drink adequate amount of water daily.  Appropriate exercises A healthy body requires daily or interval exercises th

The treatment of sleep

 The treatment of sleep is not sleeping pills and drugs but changing the way of life. However, in severe cases of low sleep and insomnia, it is necessary to consult a doctor Where the modern scientific age has brought countless comforts and conveniences to man, new inventions have deprived many people of the enjoyment of peaceful sleep. You will find many people around you complaining about not being able to sleep. And those who don't complain with their tongue, by looking at their physical condition, you can easily guess that their eyes are deprived of good sleep. Such persons appear either drowsy or tired.  Lack of sleep or insomnia is related to many things. Some chronic diseases also cause insomnia. For example, people suffering from diabetes, depression, obesity and heart diseases are often found to complain of lack of sleep.  Due to lack of sleep, a person is not only sluggish throughout the day and unable to perform his duties well, but also causes many fatal accidents on sl

The strangest theft incident...

 The strangest theft incident...  A very cunning and skilled thief, for the sake of theft, dressed up in expensive clothes and disguised himself as a respected and respectable Sheikh and went inside a goldsmith's shop in Sarafa Bazar.  When the goldsmith saw a very noble and respectable Sheikh in his shop, whose bright face was shining, the goldsmith felt as if his shop had run away.  He felt for the first time the prestige of his little shop.  The goldsmith went ahead and welcomed the Sheikh.  The thief in the guise of a sheikh said: We will definitely buy from you today, but before that, tell us if it is possible for you to contribute to building a mosque with us with your generosity? Even if your share in this good work is even one dirham.  The goldsmith had just handed over a few dirhams to the sheikh, when a girl, who was in fact the same profession as the thief, entered the shop and went straight to the sheikh and kissed his hands, and in a pleading tone, begged her and her f

When to circumcise the baby

When to circumcise the baby Take your babies to any expert doctor as soon as they are one month old Nowadays circumcision is also done by the plastic bull method, after listening to the place where the child urinates, the bull is placed on it and then it is tied well and after a week, the bull comes off automatically and the child Most people don't get circumcised for three to four years or soIf a child is delayed due to the reason, then if a child grows up, he is not operated under local anesthesia, then he has to be completely anesthetized, and the cost is also high, and his problems are also high. Without waiting for a barber or being taken to another servant who does not listen to the placeIf the child is in pain, the child's blood is coming out, the shape of the child's urinary area should not be proper, and the entire life of the child depends on it.  So today, with the modern Plastibell method, circumcision can be done whenever the baby is born at twenty-five or thir

In Indonesia and Thailand there is a rare breed of black chicken called "Ayam

 In Indonesia and Thailand there is a rare breed of black chicken called "Ayam Sumani" in the local language of Indonesia. The wings, claws, legs, claws, eyes and even the meat and bones of this rooster are deep black. This means that this rooster is 100% "black king black" from the outside to the inside. And it must be said. "My black, dear, and the whites, do it" 😂😍 This intense black rooster breed is called 'Ayam Samani' which means "Totally Black Rooster". Found on the island of Java, this black rooster was introduced in the Netherlands in 1998 and today it is also found in Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Sweden. The weight of the chicken of this breed is two to two kilograms and the weight of the hen is one and a half to two kilograms.  "Ayam" means chicken and "Samani" means black. But the color of their eggs is cream color or light blue color. And blood is also colored.  It is said that a person who dri

Roman Urdu is a huge conspiracy to destroy our future generations:

 *🚨 Roman Urdu is a huge conspiracy to destroy our future generations: * Refers to Roman Urdu Urdu words have to be written with the help of English alphabets.  For example writing Kitaab for book and Dost for friend.  If this style of writing is called the enemy of Urdu, it will not be wrong.  If the readers do not understand the threat posed by Roman Urdu to the Urdu script, the example of the Turks can be given to understand this.  After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1928, the secular minded Kemal Atatürk expressed his hatred of Islam in many ways. For example, the call to prayer was banned, Hajj and Umrah were prohibited, whether the grand mosque like Sophia was turned into a museum and even the AD calendar was implemented instead of the Hijri calendar.  Kemal Atatürk gave another proof of anti-Islamism and ordered the Turkish language, which was written in Arabic script, to be written in Roman characters.  The rationale was that this would increase the literacy rate. But the

Nawaz Sharif is the longest serving person in power in Pakistan

 These two brothers, whose names are Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif, are the longest-serving figures in the country's history. Nawaz Sharif was the Prime Minister of Pakistan for 3469 days and for 490 days his brother Shehbaz Sharif, who is full of enthusiasm, also enjoyed the Prime Ministership. Both brothers were the Prime Minister of Pakistan for a total of 3959 days i.e. 10 years and 10 months.  Nawaz Sharif was the Chief Minister of Pakistan's largest province for a total of 1953 days, while Shahbaz Sharif was the Chief Minister of Punjab for 5003 days, that is, both the Mulkar brothers were the Chief Minister of Punjab for 19 years and 16 days. If the total period of his Prime Ministership and Chief Ministership is seen, it is 10915 days.  29 years 10 months 17 days they both ruled the Federation and Punjab. What is this lust for power that does not end. Sometimes through an open door, sometimes through a thief's door, sometimes by trampling and twisting the constitu


 Fashion: Have you ever considered that this freedom of dress is only for women and not for men. Look at men's fashion 20 years ago and women's fashion, and then look at today. There is no difference in men's clothes, women's clothes are the difference between heaven and earth. why like this !?  This is because independence was never the goal. Because if there was freedom, men would be equal to women. But it is not so. Just consider that even today men's clothes cover the whole body, their collars are not open, they are ordered to keep their shalwar above the ankles, but this is not the case. But women's dresses are going above the ankles and coming down from the face and the necks are becoming open. The man's arms are perfectly fine and the woman's dress is getting holes in the arm. Women's clothes are getting tighter and men's are just as loose. And it is very sad to say that all this is happening in the houses of religious people and none of u

By Sheila Iron Paint Married to Honorable Liaqat Ali Khan Shaheed.

Sheila Ironpaint, daughter of Major General Hector Paint of the British Indian Army, a British woman who graduated from Lucknow University in 1887.  His mother was from a Brahmin family who converted to Christianity.  He started his career as a teacher at Gokhale Memorial School, Calcutta.  After completing his Masters in 1931, he was appointed as Professor of Economics at Indraprastha College, Delhi.  Do you know which is the most famous of Pakistani history?  Was there personality?  Sheila Ironpaint first Prime Minister of Pakistan in 1932 Married with Honorable Liaqat Ali Khan Shaheed may Allah have mercy on him.  Then after becoming a Muslim, she changed her name to Begum Rana Liaquat Ali.  Thus, she was the owner of very good morals and high character.  But one such fact that few people might know is that when she went to Holland as Pakistan's ambassador So the Queen of Holland became his very close friend.  One day the queen of Holland said to him that if you win chess today,

The Japanese nation is in favor of the Quaid-i-Azam

 After World War II, there was extreme poverty in Japan, until 1960, their children were suffering from food shortages, these children were born thin and weak, and their upbringing was also lacking.  Therefore, they were short, boneless, underweight, and pale in color.  They used to eat, they estimated in this period that if we eat at three o'clock in a day, we can spend twenty-four hours, so they used to eat at three o'clock in a day and the next meal would come the next day.  In 1957, Pakistan sent a ship full of rice to Tokyo.  Pakistan's gift for Japan's aid was written on the ship and its pictures were published in regular newspapers and the whole of Japan joined hands to thank the government of Pakistan, the Japanese still remember this kindness of Pakistan.  I submitted to Irfan Sahib, Japan is one of the four countries in the world with which Pakistan's relations have been surprising since the beginning. were The reason for this was Japan, Japan surrendered

🎋 The incident of the one who called Allah Almighty in Hell

 🎋 The incident of the one who called Allah Almighty in Hell 🎋 It is narrated from the Companions of the Prophet, Hazrat Abdullah bin Masoud, may God be pleased with him, that once a person came to the presence of the Prophet and said: O Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace! Is there any believer who will remain in hell? The master, Makki Madani Mustafa, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Yes! A person who will be in the deep pit of Hell and will be calling Yahannan or Mannaan with a loud voice, his voice will be loud, until Hazrat Jibreel (peace be upon him) will hear it and say in surprise: Al-Ajab! Amazing! It is a strange thing, it is a strange thing! Then Hazrat Jibraeel (peace be upon him) will be present in front of Arsh-e-Ilahi, and will place his head in prostration. Allah will say: Raise your head, O Gabriel! O Gabriel! Lift your head! Hazrat Gabriel (peace be upon him) will raise his head, Allah will say: O Gabriel! What strange thing did you s

The last laugh The Last Laugh

 The last laugh Th. Che Last Laugh Iblis laughed when he convinced Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, but Adam and Eve, after accepting their request for forgiveness and being appointed caliphs on earth, did not laugh.  Nimrod threw Abraham into the fire and laughed. The fire became Gulzar by God's command. Abraham got up, thanked God, did not laugh.  Joseph was thrown into a well by his brothers, sold as a slave. He got rid of them towards himself and laughed. Joseph became the ruler of Egypt, thanked God, did not laugh.  Pharaoh killed the boys of Bani Ya'qub, made them slaves. He laughed at the water barrier in front of the fleeing caravans. Moses descended across the river, saw Pharaoh drown, thanked God, did not laugh.  The two scholars left Makkah with nothing but their clothes. The Meccans declared this their victory and laughed. Eight years later Moulay Qul entered the same city as the conqueror with his head so bowed in gratitude that it touched the camel's h

* Oh my Granada! Alas for the last Muslim King of Spain!!*

 * Oh my Granada! Alas for the last Muslim King of Spain!!* * When the 800-year rule of Muslims over Spain fell.  * When in 1492, the last Muslim king, Abu Abdullah, surrendered the city of Granada to Queen Isabella and King Fernando without resistance and war, and when the city disappeared from sight, he sighed and said, "Oh my Granada."On this, his mother Sultana Aisha said to him, "Why are you crying like women now, when you could not defend like men." This taunting of women to men started from this period.  *Andalus! Where the Muslims ruled for about 800 years. This land, the center of Muslim inventions in its heyday, was part of the legacy of our ancestors. It was only a handful of Muslims who proved to be an iron rockHe had also rendered important services in various fields of life.  The history of Andalusia is a source of pride for us in terms of its rise, while it is instructive in terms of the causes of its decline.  First of all, if you take a quick look a

When it comes to getting rid of diapers,

 Potty training When it comes to getting rid of diapers, moms have a question about what to do if they don't use diapers. There are two or three things. One is that they start taking children to the bathroom from a young age. How small? As soon as your health improves a little. Yes, from two to three weeks old! Children communicate with their expressions whenever they need. Now there are so many things to do with a small child that it is an extra task that a person gets rid of. I would still say try it if you can.  Illegal communication Search on You will be encouraged that not only you, many people follow this method even today and they have success stories. Go to the bathroom and put the baby's back on your chest and make a hissing sound. That's all you have to do, the rest has to be done by the child 🙂 If this seems too difficult, use cloth diapers. Make, make, or buy plenty of absorbent cloth diapers and use them instead of disposable diapers.  Disposable or reusable

You have always assumed that the oxygen on Earth comes from trees,

 You have always assumed that the oxygen on Earth comes from trees, but you're not entirely right because about 70 percent of Earth's oxygen comes from marine plants, especially phytoplankton, through the process of photosynthesis. Is. While the remaining approximately 30 percent of oxygen comes from terrestrial trees.  You might think that the precious things in the universe are gold, silver, and diamonds, but the opposite is true, because the two planets of the solar system, Neptune and Uranus, are showered with diamonds, and the giant asteroids in space are made of gold. arePlants and trees in the universe are found only on earth and are the most valuable things.  Trees provide paper, matchsticks, utensils, musical instruments, wooden houses, furniture, energy, and oxygen. Protection from rains, heat, storms or floodwaters, and better food are also obtained. However, we are not well aware of the importance of plants and trees. 

The kingdoms of history that clashed with Islam and were themselves disintegrated.

 The kingdoms of history that clashed with Islam and were themselves disintegrated.  (1) Sassanid Empire of Persia.  (2) Byzantine Empire of Eastern Rome.  (3) Holy Western Roman Empire.  (4) Tatar Mongol Empire.  (5) The African Empire of Ghana.  (6) Kingdom of Abyssinia.  (7) Gupta Empire of India.  (8) Austro-Hungaria n Empire.  (9) Kingdom of Serbia.  (10) Caesar's Empire of Russia.  (11) English Empire.  (12) French Empire.  (13) Spanish Castile Empire.  (14) Portuguese Empire.  (15) Dutch Orange Order.  (17) Crusader Kingdom Alliance.  (17) Vikings.  (18) Wealth- (19) The first state of al-Safawiyyah- (20) The second state of Safavid Iran.  (21) Persian Al-Bouhiya Empire.  (22) Goth Empire of Spain.  (23) Empire of Fascist Italy.  (24) Soviet Union.  (25) And now #America and its #allies Although the Jews and Christians themselves are very different from each other due to their religious beliefs, but for the sake of anti-Islam, they have put their differences aside.  It is tr

Does thumb sucking affect teeth?

 Thumb-sucking Does thumb sucking affect teeth?  In childhood, most children get used to sucking their thumbs. Some children get used to sucking not only thumbs, but also fingers, hands, pacifiers and other things. By sucking these things, the child feels a kind of protection. Thumb or hand sucking gives the baby just as much comfort as drinking milkIs.  Usually this habit starts at the age of teething which if not stopped can last until the age of 12 to 13 years. Most children give up this habit as they grow up but for some it becomes a habit. Without which they cannot do any work.  Will thumb sucking affect baby's teeth?  Thumb-sucking This question is often asked by parents. To which the experts answer yes. When the child sucks the thumb or the nipple, the structure of the lips, the position of the muscles and the structure of the bone of the palate changes. Because the growing teeth change their position depending on the pressure of the thumbThumb sucking puts pressure on the t

Due to colds and respiratory infections in small children,

 🟥 Due to colds and respiratory infections in small children, secretions collect in the inner part of the nose due to which small children are disturbed. Sometimes it causes the nose to become blocked and the child has difficulty breathing. Since children cannot clean their own noses, in this case, mothers should come up with a way to clean children's noses. This clears the internal nasal secretions, the baby feels easy to breathe, and the baby becomes comfortable.  🟥 Follow these steps to unblock a toddler's nose. For this purpose you need the following and these are available at any good pharmacy.  1). Silne generation drops 2). Bulb syringe/bulb sucker There are two types of bulb syringes/bulb syringes.  Duposble and Raceble (You can take any according to your convenience).  👈 Lay the baby on your lap or bed so that his head and chest are slightly elevated.  Saline Nasal Drops 👈 Put 2 or 3 drops in one nostril and wait a few seconds for the drops to go into the nose. 

The best treatment for joint pain

 A useful tip for people with joint pain My mother faced a problem. Knee pain started, she was in a lot of pain, after consulting all the doctors, she was given only pain killers, and when I discussed this with various doctors, I found out that it was arthritis and apart from that, pain killers. There is no cure for the capsules, there was a lot of trouble and there was an occasion that painThe effects of the pills have worn off. I was very worried because of my mother's pain that one day my mother said to me that now I can't even stand up and there was more trouble and I was going to Kachhari in this trouble when I met a railway employee on the way. Mila who lived a short distance from our house. When Alik became calm, he said to me, "You seem worried to me." I told him about mother's knee pain. He told me that I have this disease too but I have got over it and said that in the evening he will bring a fruit and tell me how to do it. That day in the evening he bro

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