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Showing posts from August, 2024

*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him


 *marriage* Assuming that the youngsters are becoming adults in 12–13 years and marriage isn't occurring for 25–30 years, then they will likewise end up being physically wiped out and committing sins. *marriage* Convenient marriage is the right of kids; postponing it makes guardians blameworthy. *marriage* Each unmarried little fellow and young lady needs one another, and it is a characteristic need, so organize the marriage of your grown-up kids. *marriage* After yearning and thirst, the third most significant need of a grown-up is sexual fulfillment, and when there is no authentic means, the youngster becomes inclined to sin and psychological sickness. *marriage* Tragically, in schools and colleges, young ladies and young men are getting training without marriage, and guardians couldn't care less about marriage. *Marriage* The main good answer for man's sexual need is marriage, and in the event that there is no marriage, infidelity will be normal; it is a presence of

"Sin of making Pakistan" and Maulana Mufti Mahmood.

"Sin of making Pakistan" and Maulana Mufti Mahmood.    Daily Usaf, Islamabad 23 May 1999 In a previous column, I had promised the readers that I would explain the actual situation regarding this sentence attributed to Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mahmood:   "We were not involved in the sin of making Pakistan." ( "Sin of making Pakistan") This happened in front of me, so I consider it my responsibility to bring the original story to the record of history. But first, it is necessary to mention the background that Maulana Mufti Mahmood originally belonged to Jamiat Ulema Hind, which opposed the establishment of Pakistan. The Majlis Ahrar Islam, along with the Jamiat Ulema Hind, also opposed the Pakistan Movement and opposed the partition of India and did so with traditional fervor. While a large number of Deoband scholars had separated from the Jamiat Ulema Hind and played an active role in the Pakistan Movement under the name of Jamiat Ulema Islam.    This fact cann

*Seriousness and Discipline Time Needed on WhatsApp*,

 *Seriousness and Discipline Time Needed on WhatsApp* ــــــ Musharraf WhatsApp Group Islamiat 2 Social media has a great advantage, but at the same time, its disadvantages are also very high. Waste of time is very important among them. Many of our affairs are affected by the passage of time. From the rights of the servants to the rights of Allah are affected. In my knowledge, there is probably no one among us whose profession is to use WhatsApp; there must be some source of livelihood, some domestic, social, and religious occupation throughout the day. In such a situation, if someone spends all his time using WhatsApp, he will neglect his responsibility, do injustice to his profession, abuse his parents, brothers and sisters, wife, and children in domestic affairs. Even with the restriction of prayer, field work, and deeds with time regulation, I will not pay.     (WhatsApp) For many years I have been connected with social media. I have felt the waste of time on this medium to a grea

*When do your organs get scared..??*

 *When do your organs get scared..??* 1. Stomach It's terrifying when you don't eat in the first part of the day. 2. *Kidneys* get terrified when you don't hydrate in 24 hours. 3. *Gall bladder* is upset when you don't rest till 11 pm and don't awaken before dawn. 4. Small digestive tracts feel torment when you drink cold beverages and eat lifeless food. 5. *Large intestine* gets terrified while eating a lot of seared or hot food. 6. *Lungs* feel truly awkward when you take in air contaminated by smoke, dust, or cigarettes. 7. Liver is frightened when you eat weighty seafood and cheap food. 8. *Heart* feels a ton of torment when you eat high-salt and cholesterol food. 9. *Pancreas* Pancreas is exceptionally apprehensive when you eat a great deal of desserts. 10. *Eyes* get drained while working in obscurity on mobiles and PCs in their brilliant light. 11. The mind is extremely miserable when you think negatively. Deal with your body parts and don't t

*How does a firewall control Internet traffic? know*

*How does a firewall control Internet traffic? know*   Testing of the firewall is ongoing in Pakistan, and the second trial of its installation was successfully completed in the past few days.    A firewall is basically a computer network security system that restricts internet traffic inside or outside the boundaries of any network.    It works by blocking or allowing system software or specific hardware data packets (traffic) at will.    Its purpose is generally to help prevent malicious activity and prevent anyone inside or outside the private network from engaging in unauthorized web activities.    *What is a firewall?* Firewalls can be viewed as gated borders or gateways that control activity in a private network.    The term firewall was used to refer to walls built to prevent the spread of fire.    Just as a wall helps prevent and extinguish a fire, network security firewalls are for web traffic management to reduce threats.    Firewalls create 'choke points' on web traf

The absolute most significant trees among the earliest fruiting trees are:*

The absolute most significant trees among the earliest fruiting trees are:* 🌴🌳🌲☘️🌵 1. *#Papaya (#Papaya):* The papaya tree, for the most part, begins proving to be fruitful in one year or less. It develops rapidly and can be developed without any problem. 2. *#Banana (#Banana):* The banana plant additionally develops quickly and, as a rule, begins proving to be fruitful in 12 years and a half. 3. *#Guava:* A guava tree ordinarily begins proving to be fruitful within 2–3 years. This tree proves to be fruitful even absent a lot of support. 4. *#Lemon (#Lemon):* A lemon tree, as a rule, begins proving to be fruitful inside 1-2 years. This tree is not difficult to develop and requires little support. 5. *#Jamun (Java Plum or #Jamun):* The Jamun tree starts to prove to be fruitful in 2-3 years, and its natural products are heavenly and nutritious. 6. *#Aam (#Mango):** A mango tree begins proving to be fruitful in 3-4 years, particularly in the event that very much liked. These trees bea

"The poison of obscenity"

``very important''     "The poison of obscenity"     The world is full of pornography. Advertising, fashion, movies, music, video games, and magazines are full of it. People see it on TV, computers, mobile phones, and the internet. It seems that today people take viewing, reading, or listening to pornographic material very lightly. The site is available everywhere, and the number of people who like it has increased dramatically. — See the box “Some Facts About Pornography.”   Today, pornography has become more vulgar than ever. In this regard, Professor Gail Dines wrote: "The kind of obscenity that was considered highly vulgar a few years ago is now considered mildly obscene."   If you think that after marriage you will be able to get rid of this senseless act, then you are wrong. Because it is clear from the research that even after marriage, most men suffer from this disease and never get relief.  This is a disease that will not take long to ruin your marr

*Married Life*

* 🌹 In the name of God the Most Merciful*   * 🌺 Peace be upon you and the mercy ands of God.💐*     🪟🪞🌹 *Married Life* 🌹🪞 � Writing Topic: My claim! I say with a claim Very important post       👇👇 If you kiss your wife on the forehead before going to sleep, you can be sure that she will sleep peacefully, smiling in your love.  A kiss on the wife's forehead creates devotion; the wife feels peace and contentment in herself.  She feels fearless.  Feels in safe hands.  She feels herself to be the richest woman.  No matter how angry the wife is, no matter what the quarrel, a kiss on the forehead makes the wife upset, and on such occasions, some wives even cry with joy after seeing this action of the husband.  Similarly, if you are going out of town, hug her to your chest and kiss her on the forehead.  She will smile.  Lalahati will move.  The chirping will go on.  Similarly, make it mandatory for yourself that food is to be eaten with your wife, or at least one meal a day is to

The Shariah status of oral sex *.

The Shariah status of oral sex *.                                                                                                   Oral sex of a couple implies performing sexual demonstrations through the mouth or sucking and licking the private parts (vulva) in the mouth. It is called oral sex. Indeed, even this terrible and abominable propensity has become well known. The Blessed Prophet (harmony arrive) said that Muslims will follow the Jews and Christians so that assuming they enter the grave, the Muslims will likewise follow them. Will go. Today I'm recollecting that hadith without question, that the religion of Islam showed us soil and misguidance and removed and requested virtue and immaculateness, and today Muslims are again forsaking immaculateness and going to soil and foulness, while our religion of Islam is extremely spotless and unadulterated.   Oral sex is not welcome in Sharia, and doing not passable in Islamic Sharia is as well!   Since Allah, the Ruler of the uni

The Caspian Ocean is the biggest waterway on the planet.

The Caspian Ocean is the biggest waterway on the planet.   The Caspian Ocean, situated among Europe and Asia, is the biggest inland waterway on the planet. It imparts boundaries to Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan. This ocean is additionally called "Qazvin Ocean" in Iran since it is named after the Iranian city of Qazvin, which is situated close to its southern coast. In English, this ocean is designated "Caspian Ocean." This ocean is really the biggest lake on the planet regarding region and volume, with an area of 371,000 square kilometers and a volume of 78,200 cubic kilometers. It is a landlocked locale among Asia and Europe. Its greatest profundity is 3363 feet. Caspian Ocean or Lake? With respect to the design and legitimate status of this ocean, it is exceptionally intriguing. Lawfully, this ocean is totally neither a lake nor a sea. As per a few geologists, it is an ocean, while certain specialists say that the Caspian Ocean has the pro

Interesting history of Jerusalem

Interesting history of Jerusalem (Mandatory Read)   Allah Almighty made Hazrat Dawood (peace be upon him) the king of Jerusalem, and then his son Hazrat Solomon (peace be upon him) got the throne. The Jews were enslaved, and a king arose from Persia. Conquering different regions, he attacked Babylon. With the conquest of Babylon, Jerusalem also became a part of the Iranian Empire. The name of this great Iranian emperor was Cyrus the Great. He allowed the Jews to live in Jerusalem again. The temple was also built.   Centuries passed, and there were many ups and downs in the Iranian Empire. There were great rulers like Darius I, but during the period of decline, the Macedonian king Alexander the Great rose up and swept away the entire Iranian Empire. Jerusalem also became a part of Alexander's empire. Time passed until the Romans began to raise their heads around them. Began to conquer the territories of North Africa, Europe, Alexander's territory, Macedonia, and Greece were also

Heat is risky, a significant information.🌎

Heat is risky, a significant information.🌎 📢 For what reason does heatstroke cause abrupt passing? View data   We as a whole stroll around in the sun, yet for what reason truly do certain individuals unexpectedly kick the bucket from sun-related burns?   Our internal temperature is dependably 37 °C; just at this temperature, every one of the organs of our body can work appropriately.   The body maintains a temperature of 37°C by releasing heat; it is exceptionally valuable and important to ceaselessly hydrate while perspiring.   Aside from this, water is exceptionally helpful; when there is an absence of water in the body, our body stops the arrival of water through sweat. (forexample,e closes)   👈 At the point when the external temperature surpasses 45 Cs and the body's cooling framework stops, then the internal heat level begins to surpass 37 Cs.   At the point level reaching 42 °Ct, the blood begins to warm up and the proteins in the blood begin to cook.   👈 The muscles begi

what is an inquiry statement

*An inquiry from the state*   what is an inquiry statement As a resident of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, I'm bringing up an issue. I try to pose this inquiry not to the public authority but rather to the state. The inquiry is that after the suffering of Hamas pioneer Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, the Unfamiliar Office of Pakistan gave an assertion communicating sympathies to Ismail Haniyeh's family and the Palestinian public and denouncing "Israeli adventurism." This explanation of the Unfamiliar Office was delivered to the media and was likewise detailed in the media; however, sooner or later, "Israeli" was taken out of this assertion, and the judgment of Pakistan was supplanted by an unexplored world "adventurism." Restricted to.* The inquiry is, the reason was the word Israel eliminated from the assertion of Pakistan's unfamiliar office, and on whose orders? Has the province of Pakistan taken any choice without the endorsement of the chosen

what happened in bangladesh today,

What happened in Bangladesh?    For the past twenty days, the internal situation of Bangladesh has been the center of attention of the international media.    The politics of Bangladesh have also been affected. After Sheikh Mujib, his daughter Sheikh Hasina Wajid has been competing against her rival Bangladesh National Party, and Khaleda Zia and Annan have been holding power continuously. Khaleda Zia's last government was ended in 2007 by military generals imposing martial law. An interim government was established, which held elections two years later. Awami League's Hasina Wajid won the elections, and Khaleda Zia faced corruption cases. He was condemned to seventeen years by the courts on debasement accusations. In 2019, Khaleda Zia was granted six-month parole at her home on clinical grounds, and from that point forward, the half-year term has been served multiple times. Khaleda Zia is detained at home.   Since Sheikh Hasina Wajid assumed power in 2009, Aaj Tilak has been in

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*How does a firewall control Internet traffic? know*

*How does a firewall control Internet traffic? know*   Testing of the firewall is ongoing in Pakistan, and the second trial of its installation was successfully completed in the past few days.    A firewall is basically a computer network security system that restricts internet traffic inside or outside the boundaries of any network.    It works by blocking or allowing system software or specific hardware data packets (traffic) at will.    Its purpose is generally to help prevent malicious activity and prevent anyone inside or outside the private network from engaging in unauthorized web activities.    *What is a firewall?* Firewalls can be viewed as gated borders or gateways that control activity in a private network.    The term firewall was used to refer to walls built to prevent the spread of fire.    Just as a wall helps prevent and extinguish a fire, network security firewalls are for web traffic management to reduce threats.    Firewalls create 'choke points' on web traf

*When do your organs get scared..??*

 *When do your organs get scared..??* 1. Stomach It's terrifying when you don't eat in the first part of the day. 2. *Kidneys* get terrified when you don't hydrate in 24 hours. 3. *Gall bladder* is upset when you don't rest till 11 pm and don't awaken before dawn. 4. Small digestive tracts feel torment when you drink cold beverages and eat lifeless food. 5. *Large intestine* gets terrified while eating a lot of seared or hot food. 6. *Lungs* feel truly awkward when you take in air contaminated by smoke, dust, or cigarettes. 7. Liver is frightened when you eat weighty seafood and cheap food. 8. *Heart* feels a ton of torment when you eat high-salt and cholesterol food. 9. *Pancreas* Pancreas is exceptionally apprehensive when you eat a great deal of desserts. 10. *Eyes* get drained while working in obscurity on mobiles and PCs in their brilliant light. 11. The mind is extremely miserable when you think negatively. Deal with your body parts and don't t

The absolute most significant trees among the earliest fruiting trees are:*

The absolute most significant trees among the earliest fruiting trees are:* 🌴🌳🌲☘️🌵 1. *#Papaya (#Papaya):* The papaya tree, for the most part, begins proving to be fruitful in one year or less. It develops rapidly and can be developed without any problem. 2. *#Banana (#Banana):* The banana plant additionally develops quickly and, as a rule, begins proving to be fruitful in 12 years and a half. 3. *#Guava:* A guava tree ordinarily begins proving to be fruitful within 2–3 years. This tree proves to be fruitful even absent a lot of support. 4. *#Lemon (#Lemon):* A lemon tree, as a rule, begins proving to be fruitful inside 1-2 years. This tree is not difficult to develop and requires little support. 5. *#Jamun (Java Plum or #Jamun):* The Jamun tree starts to prove to be fruitful in 2-3 years, and its natural products are heavenly and nutritious. 6. *#Aam (#Mango):** A mango tree begins proving to be fruitful in 3-4 years, particularly in the event that very much liked. These trees bea