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Showing posts from February, 2024

*robbery rage*

*robbery rage*   *Hamid Mir*   * We had heard a lot of stories about the amazing corruption of politicians. Yesterday afternoon we had the opportunity to hear the corruption stories of a man who, who, who, who, who, for many years, years, years, years, was both a wonder and anathema to many politicians. This person's name was Faiz Hameed.    *I thought that I knew a lot about the person, person, person, person, but yesterday I met three such personalities at a friend's place, and after listening to their conversation, I felt that Faiz Hameed is not the head of any intelligence agency but of an underworld gang from 2019 to 2021. were*   *After hearing the stories of Faiz Hameed's looting, I had to admit that there are other places beyond the stars and there are many more tests to trace Faiz's corruption.*   * A businessman present in this gathering did not say anything that was heard, but he was telling his own bait. In 2021, a false case was made against him,him,him,him

* Peace be upon you and may Allah have mercy and blessings upon you *

 * 🌹 In the name of God the Most Merciful 🌹​​* * 🌺 Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God 💐* * Peace be upon you and may Allah have mercy and blessings upon you * *Please read this request of mine once, if you understand then consult on it, if not then explain to me and others like me* * O Allah, grant us all understanding, grant us the ability to differentiate between truth and falsehood, truth and falsehood, I do not know what are the views of Iqrarul Hasan and what is his purpose with this cry?* * But there is a moment of concern for us that we also claim to be dead on the end of Prophethood, but why do we not answer a liar and fraud for taking the guise of end of prophethood, why are we silent?* * Why is Allah accepting the oneness of the Lord of the worlds and the Holy Quran as a source of guidance for all the worlds, even though he is tolerating this dirty person, whose disciple shows his shoe and says in plain words, "This shoe is the remembrance of the cl

*Does backbiting make the mind smaller?*

 *Does backbiting make the mind smaller?* This sentence was extremely shocking..!  To gossip 𝐆𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐩 Islamic teachings about us from childhood But they were listening "The mind becomes small by backbiting..?" Hearing this sentence, my mind became numb..!!  Further research on this revealed four research studies in which regular psychologists have described the disadvantages of gossiping and listening.  After that you have to decide After today, do you want to stop backbiting or do you want to make your mind smaller..??  𝟏. Stress: Stress increases.  𝟐. Anxiety: Anxiety increases.  𝟑. Depression: Increased pessimism.  𝟒. Insomnia: Sleep is disturbed.  𝟓. Digestion: The digestive system is disturbed.  𝟔. The pressure on the heart increases.  𝟕. Credibility: You lose credibility.  𝟖. Blood pressure increases.  𝟗. Self-esteem decreases.  𝟏𝟎. Mental health deteriorates. 

Marriage is a pure relationship and no love can be true without marriage,

 *Marriage is a pure relationship and no love can be true without marriage, so do not reduce your value by being available to each other before marriage and then there is neither peace nor blessing in the forbidden. Allah will never disappoint those who have good intentions.  *Middle class boy🫥*


 *** TRADE OR EMPLOYMENT ???  When he passed away, he left 3 billion 201 million dinars in Turkey only in terms of "currency". A dinar was a heavy round gold coin which was equal to 4 and a half mashas and at that time a masha is worth 6 or 7 thousand Pakistani rupees. A thousand horses, a thousand camels and 10 thousand goats, goats and cattle were besides him. There were countless lands in and around Madinah, while in your property there were even gold bars. After death, these bones were cut with axes. The laborers started harvesting in the morning and it was evening and the hands of the laborers were swollen. At the time of his death, all four of his wives were alive and his wife got one-eighth share of the property. Each of your wives received 400,000,000 dirhams in the form of currency.  This was Hazrat Abd al-Rahman bin Awf, who not only has the honor of being Badri Sahabi, but is also the eighth among the 10 Sahaba to whom the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings o

Family of Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi:

 Family of Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi: Sultan was born in 532 AH in the fort of Tikrit, Iraq, whose father was Najamuddin Ayub bin Shazi. Sultan's grandfather's name was Shazi bin Marwan, a farmer from the town of Duin in Kurdistan. After migrating from there, they came first to Baghdad and then to Tikrit.  Sultan had five brothers 1﴾Shams-ud-Dawla-ul-Mulk-ul-Muzam Turan Shah, 2﴾ Shahin Shah, 3﴾ Al-Malik al-Adil Abu Bakr, 4﴾ Saifuddin Taghatgin, 5﴾ Taj Al-Muluk Buri At the time of Sultan's death, only Mulk-ul-Adil and Saifuddin were alive There were two sisters 1﴾ Sat al-Sham 2) Rabia Khatun Sat al-Sham bint Ayyub became famous in history due to charity, establishment of religious schools and charity works. His great achievement is the establishment of two grand Madrasahs of Shufa in Damascus. Sultan's nephew and salar Hussamuddin Muhammad bin Lajin was his son. Sat al-Sham died in 616 AH. Rabi'a Khatun also became famous for the publication of knowledge of religion a

May Allah protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine and give them strength against their enemies.

 🔘 I am the mosque whose top of the earth has been declared blessed by the creator of the earth and the sky (Surat al-Sara 6:1).  🔘 I am the mosque which the best people of the worlds have made their first Qibla (Bukhari and Muslim).  🔘 I am the mosque from where the Holy Prophet ﷺ was ascended. (Muslim) 🔘 I am the mosque where all the Prophets prayed in the example of Khatam al-Nabib Muhammad ﷺ.  🔘 I am the mosque in which offering one prayer gives the reward of two hundred and fifty worshippers. (Hakim Bayhaqi Sahih) 🔘 I am the mosque in which Dajjal is forbidden to enter. (Ahmad Sahih) 🔘 I am the mosque which has the honor of being the second mosque in the world. (Bukhari Muslim) 🔘 I am the mosque which is counted among the three mosques to which it is permissible to go for worship (Bukhari Muslim) 🔘 I am the mosque that whoever comes to it with the intention of praying, he (he is washed from sins) He returns as if his mother gave birth to him.  (Ibn Majah Sahih) 🔘 I am th

How dangerous is the concept of the word death,

 * How dangerous is the concept of the word death, isn't it that when we feel ourselves in the grave, we cry and stand up, we don't believe that our moving breath will betray us one day, one day our existence will be lifeless . They will bring us to our original house and put soil, then time will pass by our ownThose who used to spend even a single moment without us will be engrossed in their lives and when we are mentioned, it will be said that "Allah's trust was taken back, its time has come for what God approves" and we will become the past one day. Will be forgotten. In truth, the very thought of this reality is mind boggling. But still we are turned away from our destiny. 

* 🔹 Virtues of Shab-i-Baraat... 🔹*

 * 🌹 In the name of God the Most Merciful 🌹​​* * 🌺 Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings 💐* * 🔹 Virtues of Shab-i-Baraat... 🔹* Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa, may God be pleased with her, narrated that the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, 'Jabriel came to me and said, "This is the fifteenth night of Sha'ban, in which God frees as many people from Hell as the number of Bani Kalb." Goats have hair but disbelievers and haters and relationshipsHe does not look with mercy on the reaper and (out of arrogance) the clothes-hanger and the disobedient to parents and the drunkard.  (Sha'b al-Iman, chapter 3 and the first chapter of the Sha'b al-Iman. Al-Kah, what came in the night of the half of Sha'ban, 3/383, hadith: 3837) On the authority of Sayyiduna Abu Umamah Bahli, may God bless him and grant him peace, that the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said that supplication is not rejected in five nights: the fir

Two kills with one arrow.*Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

 *Two kills with one arrow.* 👇 When Bhutto signed the bill declaring the Qadianis as non-Muslims, the Chief of Naval Staff at that time was Hasan Hafeez Ahmed Qadiani.  Deputy Chief of Army was Abdul Ali Qadiani and Chief of Air Force Zafar Chaudhry was also Qadiani. Zafar Chaudhry along with his colleague Major General Nazir also plotted to kill Bhutto. The sign of Zafar Chaudhry's boldness was that he sent an Air Force plane to sprinkle flowers and salute Mirza Nasir Qadiani's meeting in Rabwah. The same Zafar Chaudhry court-martialled many Muslim officers and recruited Qadianis without merit.  Masood Mahmood, who became a sworn witness against Bhutto, was also a Qadiani.  Ahmed Raza Kasuri, as a member of Parliament of the People's Party, signs the resolution to declare the Qadianis as non-Muslims. It was Masood Mahmood Qadiani who attacked Kasuri Sahib. Kasuri's father was martyred in the attack and then this same Qadiani Masood Mahmood became a sworn witness and s

Chandragupta Maurya, He was the founder of the Maurya Empire of India.

 Chandragupta Maurya, He was the founder of the Maurya Empire of India.  According to common traditions, he was a member of the Nandchandra family, fearing the displeasure of the king He fled to Punjab.  In Punjab, Chandragupta became the leader of the disaffected tribes of Punjab and the border. He, with the help of his minister Chanakya, revolted against the Greek supremacy and within a year overthrew the influence of the Greek government and founded a new dynasty. who became known in Mauryan history as his mother. After defeating the Greek influence, Chandragupta invaded the kingdom of Magadha, in which the last ruler of the Nanda dynasty was killed. A new era of Indian history began with Chandragupta. Which is of special importance in terms of the unity of North India and the development of Hindu civilization and the expansion of the system of government and the influence of Brahmins. He was the first ruler who subjugated all the states of North India and founded a united governmen

* What do you think, after your death,,

 * What do you think, after your death, your relatives, your friends, your children, your siblings will forgive you by reciting the Quran?* * These children will read the Quran for you, who do not get up to pray today at your request, these relatives will pray for you, with whom your battles do not end.  *These friends, these brothers and sisters will give charity for you who meet on Eid..?* *O forgetful people, the times of sincerity have passed, this is the era of chaos.* * People are sitting here forgetting the living, who will remember them after death?* *You have to worry about your hereafter, that is wisdom* *It's too late to close your eyes, everything will start to show*

*A few things about donating and not donating blood*

 *A few things about donating and not donating blood* *Questions.* Question: What is the biggest disadvantage of donating blood? Joab: There is no harm in donating blood Rather, it is a big advantage that regular blood donors A person's chances of heart attack and cancer 95% less than the rest of the population The research is from the American Medical Association Question: How many days does it take for blood to form after someone donates blood? Ans: The deficiency is completed within three days of donating blood while in 56 days Complete blood cells are formed and fresh blood starts running in the veins. Q: Is old blood more powerful or new blood? Answer: Newly formed blood compared to old More fresh and powerful. Question: What are the benefits of donating blood? Answer: The main benefit of donating blood One is to contribute to an ongoing charity which Generation after generation is a source of reward for you until the Day of Judgement. Another major benefit of this is to keep

Ana Khatam-ul-Nabieen La Nabi-Dahdah were teaching,

 When in the National Assembly, the decree of the Imam of the Prophets, Muhammad Rasoolullah, the Ummah of the Prophets Ana Khatam-ul-Nabieen La Nabi-Dahdah were teaching In 1974 When it was decided in the National Assembly that Qadianis should be given an opportunity to come to the National Assembly to present their position and arguments.  Mirza Nasir Qadiani came dressed in white shalwar and tied a turban with a white beard. He was reciting the verses of the Quran. And if you had brought the name of the Blessed Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) on your tongue, you would have recited Durood Sharif with all the literature. Mufti Mahmood Sahib, may Allah have mercy on him, says that it is not an easy task to change the minds of the members of the assembly. He states on page number 41 of the January 1975 issue of the monthly "Al Haq Akora Khatak".  "This problem is very big and difficult." Glory be to Allah that Mufti Mahmood Sahib got the honor of i

The world's first photo taken by the eye of a camera.

 The world's first photo taken by the eye of a camera.  Before the year 1826, it was not possible to see the scene again in life. Then one day, a photographer named Joseph Nipps took a picture in the hallway of his house. But the duration of taking this photo was so long that you could not call it a real time photo.  Then a few years later, a photo was taken on May 4, 1838.  This is the first picture in which a person was shown in front of the camera. Because in the previous cameras, an exposure shot of 8 hours was required to take a picture. This is because of a large area in them, a forest, a desert or a mountain, etc. The picture could be takenThe picture could not be taken.  In 1838, Louis Daguerre invented a camera that reduced the exposure time to five minutes. When he took this picture of Paris from his window, the street was full of moving horses and people. But it was not in the picture due to the long exposure timeAt one point in the street, the image of two people was re

Allama Ibn Hajar

 Allama Ibn Hajar says that I saw a person whose hand was cut off from the shoulder and he was shouting and saying, "Look at me and get a lesson" and do not oppress anyone at all. I went ahead and asked him, "My brother, what happened to you?" The man replied, brother, my story is strange. In fact, I used to support the oppressors.  One day I saw a fisherman who had caught a very big fish. I liked the fish. I went to him and said, "Give me this fish." He replied, "I will not give you this fish because I have to sell it and feed my children with its price."I beat him and forcibly snatched the fish from him and went on my way. While I was picking up the fish, suddenly the fish bit my thumb hard. I came home with the fish and put it aside. Now I had a tingling and pain in my thumb and it started to hurt so much that I couldn't sleep because of it. My whole hand was swollen.  When morning came, I went to the doctor and complained of pain. The doc

Children are the joy of the house.

 Children are the joy of the house.  If a child falls ill, parents become anxious. They get worried. Obviously, the relationship between parents and children is something like this. But here is one thing to consider, how much awareness do parents have regarding health and hygiene? What precautions should be taken for children? Parents where children They are trying in terms of education and training, there is also their responsibilityIt is important to be serious about children's health.  Readers: Let's learn some tips regarding children's health and hygiene.  Balanced Nutrition Give your children a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, adequate amounts of protein and milk. Also, avoid sugary drinks and high-salt foods. Encourage children to eat regularly to maintain energy. Also appreciate the food.  *Physical Activity:: Physical Activity* Promote regular physical activity appropriate to the child's age. Limit screen time (TV, computer) As a fam

Why do some women have mustaches and beards?

 Why do some women have mustaches and beards?   Shaja, 35, lives in the Kannur district of the southern state of Kerala, India, and has a manly moustache. About five years ago, when the hair began to grow into a thick moustache, Shaja happily decided to keep it. And now she is living a married life with this moustache. Many people advised herthat they should clean it but they refused. "I never felt that I wasn't beautiful because of it or that it was something that shouldn't be," she says.  At the time of puberty, the hormone called testosterone increases in the body of boys, due to which many changes begin to occur in the body of boys - where the genitals of boys begin to stand out, they begin to grow beards and mustaches on their mouths.  But sometimes some women also grow mustaches and beards.Androgens that give rise to secondary sex roles... Androgen causes body and facial hair to grow in women, but estrogen (the female hormone) inhibits its effectiveness, so the

:::::: Real photo of Sultan Ayubi:

 ::::::: Real photo of Sultan Ayubi: It is said that this is the real picture of Hazrat Salah al-Din Ayyubi, may God bless him and grant him peace, made by the artist of his time, which is kept in the Istanbul Museum.  Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi is one of the ten greatest generals of the world Sultan Saladin Ayyubi is the conqueror of conquerors Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi is the hero of Bahads Only those who are brave can relate to Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi, cowards and traitors have nothing to do with Ayyubi. 

Photikodi was a currency of the Mughal era

 Photikodi was a currency of the Mughal era with the lowest value. 3 broken whips made one whip and 10 whips made one tail. Apart from this, in everyday Urdu language, "Phuti Koori" is also used idiomatically as a symbol of neediness, for example, I have not even a Phooti Koori left.  The oldest coin in the world is probably this "Photi Kodi". This Photi Kodi is "Kodi" or a split snail. Which is named after the leprous snail. Its use was common in the world as a currency some five thousand (5000) years ago in the ancient civilization of the Indus Valley. The name 'Photi' is given to it because it has a split on one side. That is why the Kodi snail is called "False Kodi". Naturally, the production of snails was limited. Its scarcity is taken to mean that it has value.  Three split snails were equal to one whole snail. which was a small sea snail. But both of them had some ultimate status/value. She was "Rupa". Which later came to

All women are beautiful so far As long as she protects her modesty.

 All women are beautiful so far As long as she protects her modesty. Understanding the fragility of time 💫💫 *Women must read this beautiful piece and try to make a change in the rest of your life, may Allah be pleased with you* The narrator of this story is a female preacher who is also a member of the Ghaslam-e-Mait department in Qasim city She says A middle level student of a seminary died This girl was still young and she was stepping on the threshold of adulthood His name was Noaf When he died, his mother and sisters brought him to me so that I could bathe and shroud him.  She was clinging to her daughter and was not taking the name of being separated from her I separated her with great difficulty and closed the bathroom door so that I could give her a good bath I was shocked when I removed the cloth from her face By Allah Rays of light were rising from his face Like the light of Najaf I was shocked to see his radiant face Any girls were brought to me for bath Some of them were i

* We have no past, no civilization, no culture, so how did we become a nation?*

 * We have no past, no civilization, no culture, so how did we become a nation?* During the Ottoman Empire Two locks were installed on the outer door of the house One heavy the other light Heavy men would knock and light women!  When there was a loud noise at the door of the house, the men would go out And if it was light, women would say that a woman has come to the door!  This modesty, this system comes into existence from the nation While we are not a nation but a crowd We have no history, no culture, no traditions, no culture!  Sindhis celebrate the culture of Raja Dahar Punjabis celebrate the Sikhs And the name is called folk or heritage But don't die of shame, why the need for a local festival when it is an Islamic festival?  Their hearts run towards ignorance at the same time where the system of cruelty and disbelief was prevalent!  We have been stuck in provincialism and nationalism until now!  As long as Islam is not covered in the true sense, the filth of nationality and

human society

 Karl Marx He writes in his book The day the human society will be freed from the scarcity of bread, that day will be the beginning of human history.  I was surprised that what Marx was seeing two centuries ago, two centuries later we are all seeing the same It means that human history has not started yet.  Even today we are doing everything for bread They are deceiving someone, whose rights are being eaten, illegal occupation of someone's land, robbery at night on someone's property.  But today, after two centuries, it has been understood that human history depends on humanity It came to my poor intellect that sustenance is the responsibility of the owner and worship was not necessary for him before or now.  He is not seeking recognition, he is bearing witness to it Then why was I created??  After much deliberation, I have come to this conclusion.  That he who has traveled so long from the heavens to the earth, the purpose of the migration that has been made to us was only hum

💡There is a phenomenon in nature called "eating mother"!😳

 💡There is a phenomenon in nature called "eating mother"!😳 A female is a type of spider that becomes a mother only once because after her young hatch, they face a shortage of food and the mother provides her body to the young. The babies eat all the parts of the mother and finally a shell of the mother is left.  + In every kind of creature there is a strange unselfishness of the mother! From humans to this kind of spider... 

Important information about Zakat

 * 🌹 In the name of God the Most Merciful 🌹​​* * 🌺 Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God 💐* 📖 Important information about Zakat 📖 For the public, traders, landlords and animal husbandry, all 💸 Some amounts and their Zakat 💸 💸 40 thousand for one thousand rupees 40000 ÷ 40=1000 💸 80 thousand for two thousand rupees 80000÷40=2000 💸 One lakh on two and a half thousand rupees 100000÷40=2500 💸 Five thousand rupees on two lakhs 200000÷40=5000 💸 Seven and a half thousand Zakat on three lakhs 300000÷40=7500 💸 Ten thousand rupees on four lakhs 400000÷40=10000 💸 12.5 thousand rupees on five lakhs 500000÷40=12500 💸Twenty five thousand rupees on one million 1000000÷40=25000 💸 Fifty thousand rupees on two lakhs 2000000÷40=50000 💸 Three lakhs to seventy five thousand rupees 3000000÷40=75000 💸Rs 1 lakh on 40 lakhs 4000000÷40=100000 💸 Rs. 1 lakh 25 thousand on 50 lakhs 5000000÷40=125000 💸 Two and a half lakh rupees on one crore 10000000÷40=250000 Zakat is obligatory

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